...President Obama came into office and declared war on a Budget Surplus while driving the Natiaonl Debt into the $14.3 Trillion range after being $0.00.
It isn't the truth and it isn't going to hold up.
The USA has real problems and one of those real problems are the obstructionist Republicans that want to drop all their MISTAKES and cowardess for seeking 'a real economy' at the feet of Democrats.
I don't think so.
I have a lot more to post regarding the extremist 'faction' we now have in 'seats of power' in the House and Senate and the reaction of a nation, but, I'll have to wait until tomorrow. There is another storm coming through. Believe this mess? This Climate Crisis is beginning to take on 'long term patterns' that may very well solidify the drought that is increasing every week now.
It isn't the truth and it isn't going to hold up.
The USA has real problems and one of those real problems are the obstructionist Republicans that want to drop all their MISTAKES and cowardess for seeking 'a real economy' at the feet of Democrats.
I don't think so.
I have a lot more to post regarding the extremist 'faction' we now have in 'seats of power' in the House and Senate and the reaction of a nation, but, I'll have to wait until tomorrow. There is another storm coming through. Believe this mess? This Climate Crisis is beginning to take on 'long term patterns' that may very well solidify the drought that is increasing every week now.
These two USA Drought Maps are three weeks apart. I saw the one above on CNN over the weekend and knew immediately the drought was EXTENDING. I wanted to post it here to validate that observation. The drought and its damage is deepening and extending week by week. The weather patterns due to the climate crisis has caused this for nearly nine years now. Drought is a LONG TERM climate emergency.
It can be noted to be happening before it becomes obvious to the average person.
This isn't what I had planned for this evening, excpet for the "Janis" entry. I'll continue the conclusion tomorrow. My right hand is better this evening. So, I doubt there will be an issue tomorrow. I'll cover some of the news today then. Have a good night.