Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Thing Trailer

Kain was trying to be 'trendy' and very, very Palin by shooting at anything that moved.

I didn't have to watch the Repuglican Debates to know they were a joke.  I couldn't be more sincere.

By FRANK ELTMAN , 06.14.11, 12:41 PM EDT
…"This is a real concern; this is a real issue," the lawmaker from New York's Long Island said in a telephone interview following a news conference by a group called Long island Neighbors for American Values. The group is a coalition of religious leaders and civic groups who contend King's hearings are fostering negative stereotypes….
There isn't anything that can be done or should be done by committee in the US House.  I can't believe a New York House of Representative member is actually spending taxpayer dollars on hearing to benefit hate mongering and fear. 

This entire Sharia Law mess is so ridiculous.  The laws of the USA are based in 'principle' by upholding values transcended from our Founders.  Those principles were according to many aspects of living.  One can look at the laws of the USA and easily pick and chose to find all kinds of religious dogma within them, including "Thou shalt not kill."  Moses didn't have a sheriff. 

The 'idea' that a state or any other level of government can outlaw a religious 'idea' and/or 'practice' and vicitimize people that enjoy "Freedom of Religion" is more than strange.  The states that have placed outlawing Sharia Law on their ballots are attempting to modify the First Amendment.  I never in my wildest imagination thought the USA would ever be so blantantly ignorant.