This is about 'over reaching.' It is about 'the policy' of over reaching facilitated by the largest military and largest military budget in the world.
President Obama has achieved a Non-Proliferation Treaty with Russia when at one point the two countries were facing off over deployment of stategic missile defense at Russia borders. If the USA wants to place strategic interceptor missiles of Iranian missiles than place them at Iranian borders or as close to them as we can get them, not Russian borders. THAT threat should never have existed to global stability and / or world peace.
The Joint Chiefs are wonderful at finding 'expense' and removing it or lowering it. So. I have a challenge to them and to our departing Secretary of Defense.
Don't just look for 'infrastructure' changes to reduce unnecessary spending. look for dangerous trends in deployment of USA assets that INCREASE global instability rather than reducing it. Remove those assets without hesitating. The 'foot print' of the USA military has to become less intrusive in its 'presence' and has to scale back to more of a defense force and not give the impression of 'attempting' global domination.
To say we have an invaluable relationship with friends such as South Korea of which our loyalities need to be maintained is important, but, at no time should China feel so threatened it needs to begin to rethink its relationship with the USA. Nuclear Non-Proliferation should be practiced by every nation we have as an ally, including economic partners.
The 'threat' to Russia during the Bush / Cheney White House is more than any American should want to see in the capacity of their military. The Russians were sincerely posturing for conflict and anyone that denies that is a fool.
I want the "Peace of Our Children" to be insured !