The Rush Limbaughs and Murdochs of the world are nothing more than Snake Oil Salesmen.
I mean that beyond any imagination.
The seeds everyone is purchasing for the possibility they might have to grow their own food SHOULD BE a HOBBY. Do it now. Enjoy growing things. Compete in the State Fairs. but. don't believe for one minute there is going to be soil CAPABLE of growing these seeds if there is a nuclear blast or Earth becomes so parched it requires irrigation in order to keep the 'daytime' soil cool enough to grow crops.
This isn't mentally healthy activity. Collecting gold bullion isn't a reasonable thing to do. Collecting coins and spending hundreds on rare coins is more rewarding then simply thinking the gold in the safe is necessary when the world comes to an end.
I feel really bad for people when they are this fearful and exploited. The same thing goes for the gun market. There isn't any healthy reason about owning guns for protection from the government. Hunting is sport and recreation, it is even necessary for conservation efforts, but, it isn't about protecting from 'evil forces.'
When are people in the USA ever going to stop and realize how deranged this all is? Preying on fears should not be profitable.