It all makes too much sense to deny the existence of civilizations before the birth of Jesus.
The hominids out of Africa, the civilizations of Mesopotamia and the migration of peoples along waterways and across what was believed to be the 'entire world' known today as the Mediterranean Sea.
The basis of democracy wasn't dreamed up by the USA's forefathers, it was 'found' in 'theory' by prior civilization that 'appreciated' the 'interconnectedness' of all the people of its society.
The Greeks were not so much rulers as they were philosophers. The 'art' of the ship. The Agean Sea, the gods and goddesses, the Titans, the conept of hero, Olympia and the games of human strength and speed, the "Illiad," the Trojan Horse and the Odyssey.
Fanastic people with a commitment to survival. But, what I find fascinating about the Ancient Greeks is not the structure of their theology, although that is fascinating all by itself, 'Heaven and Hell' you know? But, more than their theology, the 'striving ot human' to be godlike. Strong. Endurable. Able to battle monsters of all kinds of origins and 'ideas.'
The Greek citizen was more than themselves as a human being, they were 'almighty' within themselves. They could 'achieve' and grow to be legends.
The 'individual' and the 'collective' was among the understanding of what made their society incredibly mystical and strong.