Friday, September 17, 2010

Redefining power. Up to now, after eight years of self inflicted helplessness under "W" is OPPRESSION.

The MICRO - particulates will kill people.  They will claim STATES rights.  But, the Clean Air Act preempts the emmission issue.  IT IS NOT clean energy.  The Clean Air Act will require the ceasation of emissions as soon as 'THE WIND' carries the pollution over the state line.

FirstEnergy cleared for $200m Ohio biomass project

Published: August 18, 2010
...The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio has certified the 156-megawatt units at the Shadyside facility as eligible as renewable energy generators under state law.

The move means that any power generated by the power plant using biomass fuels can be classed as renewable energy under the state’s renewable energy credits system of incentives.
It would be eligible for up to 75MW of renewable energy credits from the project, more if the facility uses less than 20% coal and fuel oil....

I used to review Mike's blog on a regular basis over the years and maybe I need to do that again.  The review usually spoke for itself and all I needed to do was list the articles and briefly comment.  As of late, Michael Moore is becoming more 'Main Stream' than not and his work in Michigan has huge dynamics.  He literally revitalized Traverse City AND the region by introducing 'art' and 'film art' to a nearly extinct part of Michigan.  Northern Michigan was not only deteriorated and abandoned, but, down right primative.
Recently, Traverse City defeated the building of four Biomass Plansts that would have dumped tonnes and tonnes of deadly toxins in to a NEW TOURIST rich region that also hosts one of the most prestigious arts high schools on the planet.

Even though these sets of biomass plants are shelved and the city is seeking alternative energies and other methods of energy the sad truth about these plants are only beginning in the USA.  I could go on and on about Adenocarcomas and how they are the "Non-Smoker" lung cancer that result from deadly and tiny particles from biomass plants and coal plants, but, that would take some space and this isn't about 'conservation or energy.'  It is however, about the people of Michigan and the 'kindly' manner they have fostered within their culture to absorb disappointment and allow abuse of power.

I haven't read Ms. Huffington's book yet, but, I am hoping her "Third World America" has captured this exact phenomena in a real way.  Abuse of Power is real.  It causes oppression and we have witnessed it globally.  When populous of citizens are helpless to change their circumstances they don't 'retreat' but they do 'resign.'  They resign to being 'correct' and 'know the truth' and 'bond together' and 'hunker down at the local pub' to civilly talk about how lousy life actually is and how this was never explained to them as they sacrificed and toiled all their lives.

There are issues with Americans.  They have had thirty years or more years of Republican Oppression intermitently interrupted by a Democratic President that would set their circumstances straight.  To make the USA an honest and better place.  To revitalize THE TRUTH as the doctrine of the USA Constitution and take seriously 'the promise' so easily trashed by the Republicans Capitalistic Focus and Indulgence. 

There are millions of 'resigned' Americans within its borders.  The African American Community of the USA doesn't know what it is to be resigned, for if they did, they would never be allowed to be successful.

The USA needs to be 'disturbed' enough to save itself anymore 'blows to their freedoms' by idiots we are now witnessing mentored by flunkies like Palin, Gingrich and Murdoch.  Of the three, the only one that has managed to maintain their status for a lifetime is Murdoch.  Palin lost her Governorship to obsession of wealth and Gingrich was drummed out of the 'corp of Republicans' by making a 'contract with America' that turned out to be a 'bogus' PLEDGE.

You can call it 'draining the swamp' if you want, but, what is occurring in the USA is 'resignation of hope.'  The people of this country need to find their anger is a way that is productive and achieves purpose.  They need to fight the fires of hatred, even though they don't recognize it as hatred.

I frequently state, "President Obama sincerely loves us."  That means he takes himself and us seriously enough to seek out people like Elizabeth Warren to 'Fight the Good Fight."  He can't do it alone.  The 'Spirit of 1776" has to be revitalized even when sports heroes are wrongly ruled on.  Believe me the Tea Bagger have no idea what the Founding Father's Spirit is all about, they only know the one that Murdoch dictates and it doesn't even come close.

Get up and fight America, but, do it with an understanding that you've been 'beaten and abused' into an emotional corner that 'feels good' but has no real substance to sustain life in a democracy.

Those that demonstrated for peace under Bush know what the word oppression means when they faced snippers on rooftops while they were marching in a PERMITTED event.  They wore all their costumes and carried signs that would humilitate.  We are now today out of Iraq and will be leaving Afghansitan.  They were far from a failutre.

...But maybe the Bears game wouldn't be so bad had (click title to entry - thank you)  not Armando Galarraga of the Detroit Tigers also had his perfect game ripped from him by an umpire back in June. Not only did he throw a perfect game (not a single batter made it to first base in 8 2/3 innings, a virtually impossible feat), but he also got the last out of the game by running over to first base himself to touch the bag in plenty of time before the runner got there.
There have only been 20 perfect games in the history of baseball. The 21st, by this umpire's own admission after the game, was stolen from Galarraga because of his bad call.
Neither call, in baseball or football, was reversed. And neither Detroiter asked for it to be. Galarraga and Johnson took their abuse with such good grace and forgiveness, it set an example that all of us wished we could see in sports every week. People were amazed not to witness any Motor City madmen action -- only humility and kindness.
Well, I'm from Flint, so I ain't all that forgiving. That these two huge blown calls could happen in the same summer to a town already so badly battered just sucks. I'm not saying that umps and refs have it out for Detroit. But ask yourself this: Do you think two blown calls on huge historic plays in one summer would be allowed without any howl or cry if they happened to two teams in New York? You know the answer....