Just for the record, the 'God rant' by Beck is an attempt to 'restore' the Bush fervor before Novermber and beyond. It is a 'propaganda scheme probably 'born of Rove.' Doesn't everyone recognize the 'Right Wing Media' proppaganda scheme? No? Easy, they first lie and then deny the lie and then become contrite and remorseful. Don't 'get it yet?' I really have to explain this? The Right Wing Media attempts to 'range the scale of emotion' and attract listeners and viewers based on a bonding of one kind or another. The program doesn't have any rhyme or reason, but, only a following based on what they can attract by HOOK OR BY CROOK. Sort of like the "Old Tonic Salesman." The product is suppose to be good for you, but, is mostly all hype. They are a joke. There isn't anything serious about the Right Wing Media and if anyone that listens ever expects to 'be connected' to the real world, they are only fooling themselves. It is an addiction to 'brain chemistry' which works best with 'the adrenalin of hate.'
I wish the 'real media' would 'get smart enough' to ignore the fact they have 'ethics' to live by in recognizing even the most extremists. The Right Wing isn't serious media. It is propaganda. There is nothing credible about them except PERHAPS what might be caught on video tape. You know, "Believe 50% of what you see and nothing of what you hear."
Good luck. Professional media should be able to discern Bozos from the 'real thing.' Just because they are camophlaged and wrapped in Wall Street Journal newsprint doesn't mean it is credible. I near read the rag anymore.