Friday, April 02, 2010

I've been following the coverage CNN is giving the 'bullying' issues in American schools.

CNN likes their exposes'. They have a 'composition' style of journalism and it lends itself well to their form reporting. I am not going to beleaguer this point. The descriptions I have heard sound a great deal as if they are influenced by outside forces resulting in 'social pressure,' and not just 'peer pressure.'

If I may?

There was a straight A student that recently ended his own life. Some of the 'hazing' that occurred sounded as though it has come right out of movies and television scenes of 'tough guys.'

"His head was put in a toilet bowl."

Sure parental supervision of children could be blamed, but, it is more than that. It has been years since Columbine and now rather than 'mass murder' with guns in schools, there are misguided young people that are playing out images against their school mates and sending them into self destruction.

District Attorney Elizabeth Scheibel, said nine teens had been charged in the 'unrelenting' bullying of Phoebe Prince. Photograph: Michael S. Gordon/AP

There needs to be better 'models' for school administrations to bring in authority, such as, police when hazing is an issue, no matter the grade. The students doing the 'hazing' might have to be removed from the environment where learning takes place in compassion of others. Maybe Bullies need their own schools. Like a 'Bully Magnet Academy,' where they focus on overachievement rather than their OWN insecurities and self-esteem issues when they find out they have some of the worst character flaws in society.

Some of the Principals and Superintendents might be intimidated by potential lawsuits by parents or by retaliation of violence by the students against them or increased intimidation or worse of the student being hazed.

At any rate, I believe they are at a loss to know what to do. Additionally, I believe it is grossly negligent of State governments NOT to outlaw 'social networking sites' from minors. They should NOT be allowed to recruit students under the age of 18.

At all.

Social networking sites provide a venue for the exploitation of young people and children. It provides too much access to 'personal' information without proper supervision. It is 'the wilds' of our society. A child and young person should not be exposed to 'the wild' until they are prepared to handle it.

There should not be violence allowed in commercials in venues where young minds meet. And the information provided to 'youth' cell phones should be strictly regulated with severe penalties for any victimization of American children and young people.

The youthful minds of the American society should not be saturated with violence in any venue, but, with learning and achievement in academics, social competency and athletic ability to some degree along with GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP.

I am appalled that young people and children are being prosecuted for pedophilia when they are exchanging nude pictures of themselves over their cell phones or any other means that is possible over the internet.

Placing 'adult' crimes in the lives of youth is NOT the answer to protecting them. That is further victimization of American youth by commercial technical venues.

The responsibility and the prosecution lies with the venue provider and their allowance of such a crime to occur. Our youth are not protected and that is plainly obvious. Our American children and young people are NOT 'for profit' entities within our society.

The American Violence Culture needs to be off limits to American youth and I don't care what form that takes, it is simply "W"rong.

If technology cannot protect young minds, then we don't need the technology. Where parents don't follow protection laws of the youth of the country, they need to be fined and ultimately jailed instead of their children.