Sarah Palin the RNC Spiritual Leader. What next? And she was suppose to be a Vice President? I mean, what the heck? She didn't care enough about her country to say, "No, I don't think I am qualified."
There are huge ethics violations here. He had ACCESS? I don't think so.
John McCain has a LOT of explaining to do !!!
Palin e-mails reveal a powerful 'first dude' (click title to entry - thank you)
Published: February 5th, 2010 10:10 AM
Last Modified: February 5th, 2010 10:10 AM
E-mails obtained from the state of Alaska under public records law show that Todd Palin was deeply involved in state business while his wife was governor. Copies of about 1,200 e-mails -- some sent on private accounts -- show that he was "involved in a judicial appointment, monitored contract negotiations with public employee unions, received background checks on a corporate CEO, added his approval or disapproval to state board appointments, and passed financial information marked 'confidential' from his oil company employer to a state attorney," writes msnbc.com's Bill Dedman. The released e-mails also expose "behind-the-scenes preoccupations of the Palins," including family travel on state money, a tanning bed at the Governor's Mansion in Juneau and a Daily News gossip column. The state withheld 243 other e-mails from msnbc.com, claiming that Todd Palin was covered by executive privilege rules, but subject lines reveal his further involvement in state business.