Click title to entry and make the bomb yourself, for a fee I suppose. It is probably an al Qaeda site. Organic substances like PETN aren't difficult to make with a minor lab and minimal knowledge. (Maybe FOX will develop a competing site for profits. Murdoch isn't above anything for a buck.)
I just love the way there is no analysis on the actual intelligence of the 'enemy' in a so called war that was supposed to be launched on September 11, 2001. The USA trained the hijackers of September 11, 2001. The USA trained them. No one else. The hijackers of September 11, 2001 were trained in the USA, not Saudi Arabia, not Yemen, not Afghanistan, and certain not Saddam Hussein's Iraq as it did not even have its own weapons, but, they were all trained in the good ole' USA. NOW. Protect your country.
Spend billions though. Spend billions on media services that scare the living hell out of people without real 'actionable intelligence.' Go ahead, enjoy fright night all year long. When does the next flight leave for Amsterdam, by the way?
For a Western society to ever believe their airliners aren't vulnerable is complete arrogance. The real issue here is how did a 'nice Muslim boy' grow up to grossly disappoint his family and nation? Answer that one for a change.
And if this is the result of al Qaeda training, including the Shoe Bomber, something tells me they don't know what they are doing and receive less sophisticated training than a USA GI does in nine weeks. Nine weeks and then they wonder why they end up with PTSD. A USA soldier hardly makes it out of civilian clothes to pick up a gun and kill people in nine weeks and the USA military doesn't then understand why they succumb to PTSD and die. Amazing.
The West needs to come to terms with the atrocities of the USA when it wrongfully invaded Iraq. Afghanistan is understandable by most decent people, but, Iraq? A lot of people died for an oil war and until that is contended with in a real way in the World Courts the Civilized world of The West will pay for it over and over again.
Nigerian Indicted For Failed Plane Bomb (click here)
By Frank James
The alleged bomber of a Christmas Day Northwest Airlines flight, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was indicted Wednesday by a federal grand jury in Detroit
The six-count indictment includes the charge of "attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction." Northwest Flight 253 carried 289 passengers and crew.
The 23-year old Nigerian was also charged with a count of "attempted murder within the special aircraft jurisdiction of the U.S." with a third charge being the "willful attempt to destroy and wreck and aircraft within the special aircraft jurisdiction of the U.S."
Abdulmutallab faces life in prison if convicted...