Afghanistan: Several activists detained (click here for original article)
Afghan forces and NATO have arrested several militants Monday in Khost province near the Pakistani border in the east, according to a press release issued by the International Security Assistance Force and Security ( ISAF).
According to the statement, the activists were arrested Monday morning Parukhil, a village in Sabari district, during a joint operation by Afghan and international forces.
The statement did not mention the exact number of militants arrested, adding that among those arrested there is a collaborator in the field of weapons of top Taliban commander, Jalaluddin Haqqani Mawlawi.
The''collaborator Haqqani has confirmed his identity and went, "said the release.
Moreover, international forces have suffered no loss during the operation, the statement said.
Until now, the Taliban militants have made no comment.
Source: Xinhua
Evidently the CIA strike was 'Tit for Tat.' Yes? In true warlord style. I guess that was a warning as to whom it boss. Evidently the USA, Afghanistan and Pakistan forgot for a second, huh?
It is called corruption. Meet Karzai's downfall. At least until now.
Published: Dec. 30, 2009 at 6:10 PM
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- Afghan and international military forces seized several Taliban and Haqqani commanders during operations in the country's volatile south and east.
In southern Afghanistan near Kandahar, Afghan forces uncovered a weapons cache containing several rocket-propelled grenades and around 800 rounds of ammunition. Near Khost along the volatile Pakistani border, Afghan forces uncovered the components used to make suicide vests.
Also near Khost, a team of Afghan and international forces captured several members of the Haqqani terrorist network, the U.S. Defense Department said.
The Haqqani network is believed to have strong ties to al-Qaida leaders in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Taliban last week released a video of U.S. Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl, who was captured by Haqqani fighters in June.
Other Taliban commanders were detained during separate operations in Kandahar. The Defense Department said no Afghan civilians were killed and no shots were fired during the latest operations.
Western forces came under fire by Afghan President Hamid Karzai following the death of 10 Afghan civilians, including eight schoolchildren, during an attack by Western military forces in the northeast province of Kunar during the weekend.
Karzai complained that civilian deaths from military activity in his country only gave insurgents additional recruitment tools to fight Western forces.
I don't believe the NATO forces of which the USA is a part even intend to kill innocent civilians. Ever. I guess he can complain, but, the end of the warlords has to be resolved and the southern provinces cleaned up and populated with lawful civilians. There isn't anything to complain about when one realizes the outcome. Perhaps Karzai is worried about losing his soldiers to 'recruitment' by vengence. He needs to have the people deal with their confusion on the issue of the current military operations in their country. Their lives aren't threatened by the USA military or NATO forces, we are there to stop the violence and bring them peace. They need a President that complains less and acts to return sanity to their country. Karzai seems to forget there are some real 'bad guys' in his neck of the woods.
I understand the Afghan people are tired of the wars. I understand that completely. But, this isn't 'the same' post Russian violence they always USE to complain about. That was a long time ago. This is the 'mistake' the USA made by putting the Mujahideen in control of Afghanistan and a place for Osama bin Laden to call home. We aren't simply annihilating villages of people. If we were that would be an atrocity the world could judge. The more the Taliban and al Qaeda and their associates hide among the people the more civilians will find issue with the military operations.