Everyday, Senator Durbin is on the job. He is there at morning call and anytime when the Democratic majority needs representation. I have listened to his statements regarding the Senate Health Care Reform Bill and he is correct.
This Health Care Reform initiative is a Democratic responsibility. It is where Democrats live and hopefully where they always live. They identify with 'the little person' in our society and seek to make their quality of life better and their struggle less of a burden. Basically, Democrats come to the aid of the Middle Class in recognizing it is where we can find the strength of our economy and the beauty of the American spirit being lived out everyday.
To that understanding, the Senate Bill is a responsible act of legislation to relieve the American people of ever encroaching higher health care costs and health care insurance. We have not witnessed any legislation being pursued by any Republican or any Republican majority that would even begin to fend off the attack on the American citizen by the Health Care Insurance Lobby. To them the American citizen is fair game for any and all ruthless tactics and we have witnessed and/or experienced plenty of that.
This is the burden of the Democratic Party. They accept their burden graciously, but, they are always criticized for moving such measures forward in the first place, as if the market place is supposed to take care of everything. As if there is written in some law somewhere, the market place is the absolute answer to every American citizen's problems.
Well, if that were true we wouldn't have had to bailout Wall Street, we won't have Health Care Insurance Administrators signing the death certificate of their members and we wouldn't have lead an illegal war in Iraq and Halliburton would have sued Dick Cheney.
So, the issues that are at the forefront of the Democratic Party agenda are always unpopular. They sometimes require adding new taxes. This time, they got off easy. They only had to add taxes to the most wealthy of Americans. But, sometimes the justice the populous of the USA needs comes with a price. Nothing in life is free.
As a result, the Can Do Party is attacked for taking money out of people's pockets and robbing candy from babies. The Democrats always have an image problem because they don't 'buy votes' with tax rebates in the form of government checks. It is easy to be a Republican. All they have to do is cut taxes, cut government services and tell folks they have the right to have as many jobs as they need to make ends meet.
Heck, Republicans don't even want the USA to have a government paid military, they rather turn National Security over to Blackwater and allow the drug cartels to build a new drug economy that will prove a better opportunity when they outsource jobs that makes Wall Street happy. And that is the truth of the situation.
So, when I witness Senator Durbin walk to the front of the Senate and I hear him speak to the merits of the Senate Health Care Reform Bill day after day after day, I know someone in this country is a great statesman that upholds the values of the USA Constitution.