Set aside the idea that Bush/Cheney had a regime that basically demoralized a global community and the American people. Forget for a few minutes that is a reality.
Health care in the 21st century is a necessity in every human life and if you don't believe that then you know nothing about child rearing or the 'moral content' of life.
Many people of all walks of life have been in the health care debate for a long, long time. Perhaps one of those most dedicated is Senator Max Baucus. I don't necessarily agree with all he brought to the bill within the Senate, but, it would be very wrong to nto recognize the importance he played in carrying this issue as a priority for so many years. That same is held true as a reality with some House member that had 'at the ready' bills to present to their legislatures when called upon.
In the closing hours of the 'hearings' in the Senate on health care reform legislation, there were all types of accusations by the Senate Republicans about bipartisanship. It was a time when Senator Baucus was leading the Democrats for the day. As he listened to those peers it was obvious the words and tone was becoming quite a painful issue for him.
He stood in ridicule of the complaints. He stated during the years he worked on this issue there were many opportunities for bipartisanship. He said there were many of his peers that consulted with him and agreed on aspects of the bill. But, as the bill went to the floor those same peers left the legislation to the Democrats and sequested themselves in a 'proverbial huddle' (my words, not his) in a political posture. He stated the Senate Republicans abandoned all intent to engage health reform in the USA and instead decided it was a 'hot topic' for their political 'play.'
Senator Baucus probably holds dignity at a higher level for the esteem of his collegues than many in the Senate. But, that ended at that moment and he called his peers 'liars.' Simply liars. He was astonished to hear the words leveled at him and his Democratic collegues and he simply wasn't going to 'take it' anymore. He had been miligned enough along with the members of the Senate attempting to cure the ills of the health care system of the USA.
That means something. When a Senator like Max Baucus stands in contempt of the words and slander of his Republican peers, it is nothing to dismiss. It has brevity. He rarely participates in such verbiage and seeks to be 'the peacemaker' on many instances.
It's over. There is no cooperation from Republicans. They have decided they are against this President, the Democrats in the Senate and primarily the majority of Democrats in the House. There is no reason to attempt any more 'outreach' to Republicans. They need to FIRST reach across the isle and seek to repair the damage they have caused with their 'good will' to their collegues. Quite frankly that will never happen and the Democrats need to stop seeking the relationship. It is not forthcoming. The Republicans are simply 'political animals' and nothing else.
When they 'mimic' talk show hosts verbiage in order to relate to their constitutents, there is something gravely wrong within that party. It isn't a legitimate political party anymore. Sadly they have drifted from protecting Americans into 'practicing ideology.' Their methods don't work for the country. If that isn't plainly obvious now, then I don't know when it will be. To continue to live in denial of the damage done to this country over eight years of whatever one wants to call that mess is a hideous concept.
The only venue of power the Republicans have today is opposition, denial and lies. It's over. The Health Care Reform debate was one the most profoundly important issue this country has faced domestically for decades. If they couldn't find their way to 'the table' then there is no reason to continue to expect they ever will.
The RNC saw only 'one hope' for their survival and that is to the party of 'same' and that is the direction they took regardless of the opportunity to serve the people of this country in a productive way. They don't want what is best for the country, they want what is best for 'the party.' The Democrats continued on path with growing resistance because it needed to be pursued. That takes strength of character in knowing when political peril is a hideous element to a vital change in policy.
If the Republicans can't 'join the country' in reform of it's corrupt systems, then they don't belong in office and the extremism noted in the Senate over this issue is proof of their resolve. They are Anti-American and no flag waving will ever change that ever again. They did NOTHING to promote change, they only attempted obstruction of it.
"Doing nothing" and regressing was never an option. Never. To learn as we go forward is the best path we ever had and the path that will lead to our best outcomes.
Health Care Reform is so enormous it is not at all an 'equation,' but, a process. Those that sought to obstruct it didn't live with reality or understanding the needs of the USA. That is called incompetence in government.