Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Can the nation's government finally act rather than delay on extremely important legislation?

I am getting overwhelmingly tired of others questioning President Obama's integrity and his ability to understand issues and convey THE TRUTH to the nation. From the beginning of his proposed Health Care Insurance Reform he has openly stated there would be no addition to the deficit by the bill he was proposing.

The Right Wing of this country has done NOTHING but insult his integrity by complaining about absolutely insane issues created by their media. They have done nothing but complain about the cost and over and over and over again the President of the United States of America promised the bill would never add a dime to the US Deficit.

Enough already. Vote the measure into the laws of this country and do it NOW !!!!

Congressional budget analysts gave an important political boost Wednesday to a Senate panel's health-care overhaul, projecting that the $829 billion measure would both dramatically shrink the ranks of the uninsured and keep President Obama's pledge that doing so would not add "one dime" to federal budget deficits....