September 5th, 2009 11:20 pm
Michael Moore Slams Bailout of Wall Street, Wants 'Money Back' (click here)
By Farah Nayeri
Sept. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Michael Moore launched his movie "Capitalism: A Love Story" at the Venice Film Festival today, staging an all-out attack on the free-market system and on the U.S. government bailout of financial institutions.
"Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil," Moore, an American director and satirist, says in his two-hour documentary, one of 24 films vying for the top Venice prize. "You have to eliminate it and replace it with something that's good for all people, and that something is called democracy."...
September 5th, 2009 1:37 pm
AIG gets some tough love from Michael Moore (click here)
Ouch! – this could be painful. Beleaguered bosses at American insurer AIG (or Chartis as it now wants to be known) are bracing themselves for an uncomfortable few days.
Dashwood, edited by Jonathan Russell / Telegraph
Michael Moore's latest film Capitalism: A Love Story will have its first screening at the Venice Film Festival this week before opening early next month.
Although Moore is looking wider than just AIG's part in the global economic meltdown he saves some special treatment for the insurer.
"This is Michael Moore, I have come to make a citizen's arrest of the board of directors of AIG," he says as he turns up outside the US insurer's headquarters with the requisite loudhailer....
And, yes, I do remember Lehman Brothers and I remember the zealots that caused their collapse and rejoiced over it by offering fragments of pennies on the dollar for stocks. And look what we are left with today, Goldman Sachs, the losers of all losers if it weren't for their corruption in Hankie Paulson.
The Last Days of Lehman Brothers (click here)
Wednesday, BBC2, 9pm
By Paul Whitington
If there was one single event that made the world sit up and realise it was in the middle of an almost unprecedented financial meltdown, it was the collapse of blue-chip Wall Street giant Lehman Brothers almost exactly a year ago....
They're SLIMEBALLS. There isn't any other word to describe the 'beasts of wall street.' There just isn't. Not in the English Dictionary. Predatory, maybe. Bottom feeders on the ladder of Integrity. They 'clean up well' at your expense. Look at the heidousness of what GMC is pulling. They JUST left bankruptcy court and already they are violating the very trust of the agreement with TWO NATIONS of people and the 'spineless' let them get away with it. It's just amazing.