Friday, July 24, 2009

White Out on a Hot Planet - Click here for a 12 hour loop

July 25, 2009
0017 gmt
Atlantic Ocean Satellite

The ONLY significant water vapor on Earth to support any kind of Atlantic Hurricane Season is near the Equator. That is astounding. Some seasons are late and we have yet to witness any 'heat transferring' storms, but, what we have witnessed is a 'melt down' of the Arctic Ocean. There has been increasing amounts of 'frigid air' coming down from the Arctic Ocean to the lower latitudes to attempt to cool Earth. The 'temperature' of a majority of the northern USA has been lower in many instances keeping in mind we are almost at August 1st.

That is not normal, it is Climate Change. It is also a tipping point. Earth no longer uses Atlantic Hurricanes to cool its troposphere, it is utalizing the ice of the northern cap. How long will this continue to make Earth benevolent to life? Good question. Humans have managed to melt all the 'aged' ice of the Arctic Ocean and soon human beings will be melting the very ice as it happens. It is not looking good.

July 25, 2009
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of the North and West Hemisphere.

The troposphere has yet to spawn significant storms this season. The fact Water Vapor Satellites are showing a planet engulfed in high tropospheric water vapor proves that Earth's 'climate change' dynamics is so 'hot' it is removing the water vapor from the surface of the planet. I am not surprised Earth does not have enough water vapor at the surface to encourage Atlantic hurricanes as the majority of its northern ice ocean is no longer at the surface either, but, evaporated into the upper troposphere.

This level of 'water vapor' over Earth is not recorded anywhere on this blog for over four years.