Local Time: 4:06 AM AKDT (GMT -08)
Lat/Lon: 58.8° N 137.0° W
Updated: 11 min 9 sec ago
Temperature :: 61 °F
Conditions :: Clear
Humidity :: 55%
Dew Point :: 45 °F
Wind :: 9 mph from the NW
Pressure :: 29.94 in (Rising)
Visibility :: 10.0 miles
UV :: 0 out of 16
Clouds :: Clear -
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation :: 33 ft
Arctic sea ice at second lowest level (click title to entry - thank you)
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The Associated Press Last updated on Tuesday, Mar. 31, 2009 08:33PM EDT
Arctic Ocean sea ice has melted to the second lowest minimum since satellite observations began, according to scientists at the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center.
Sea ice melt recorded on Monday exceeded the low recorded in 2005, which had held second place.
With several weeks left in the melting season, ice in summer 2008 has a chance to go below last year's record low, the scientists at the University of Colorado said.
Environmental groups said the ice melt is another alarm bell warning of global warming.
“It's an unfortunate sign that climate change is coming rapidly to the Arctic and that we really need to address the issue of global warming on a national level,” said Christopher Krenz, Arctic project manager for Oceana....