That was according to Curtis Wright on The Morning Beat in Wilmington, NC. It may sound like a local issue,but, most of these folks are nationally syndicated.
So, considering the remorse Independents are having I thought I'd give them a hand with the messages of their 'commentators.'
According to what I am hearing, there are supposed to be 'controlled responses' to the anticipated demise of National Health Care Reform. Those controlled verbal responses go like this.
As a side note, I find this mess fascinating. They are some of the most diabolical men I have ever heard speak. It is one thing to have 'factual talking points;' it is another thing to simply attempt to 'create' an understanding of facts and then out right lie.
So, I think the Independents need to get their ducks in order if they are going to be good and devoted listeners to these men. And NO, there are no women, except as dutiful counter parts within the broadcast that don't speak until they are spoken to.
First thing the Independents need to understand is that they aren't Independents anymore, they are, according to 'Good Ole Curt' OTHER DEMOCRATS. That's right, in one fell swoop of the spoken word according to Curtis there are no more Independents, there are only OTHER DEMOCRATS.
Okay? So, that is your first lie. Don't be calling yourself Independents, even on telephone polls, because you are no longer. What Independents are in the year 2009 are the new OTHER DEMOCRATS. Kindly get that right or you won't fit in.
Of course the rational for such lies is a bit obscure, but, here is my best guess. If people that happen to be listeing, and know their own minds and have made up their minds to declare themselves as Democrats they might be swayed by such things. So, the Independents that are now OTHER DEMOCRATS have more power if they are no longer Independents and act in a matter that dictates criticism by others called, "Which ever way the wind blows." Being an OTHER DEMOCRAT gives any Independent more validity in the real world.
The other thing OTHER DEMOCRATS need to remember is that you never, ever state any American doesn't spend their money wisely. Those in criticism of the National Health Care Reform legislation should never consider others irresponsible in their spending habits and unable to pay they health care bills for that reason. Remember that now. Don't say such things.
This is what you do have to say, according to Curtis.
In the world according to Curtis, the primary problem with the National Health Care Reform legislation, is that 'One Group of People will be paying for another group of people and that is Unamerican." Got that? Don't fail Curtis now.
See, the thing is this. Even though other folks haven't got the money to pay for their health care there is no reason why those that approve of bank bailouts should have to pay the cost. You know how that is. Right? I mean anyone that is an OTHER DEMOCRAT knows how important it is to keep very dime you can accumulate while reaching beyond that and hauling out billions upon billions more from the USA Treasury. Surely, everyone that is an OTHER DEMOCRAT understands that.
So, for the folks that accumulate all their wealth on the backs of those that cannot afford health care, it is better to say, "It is Unamerican to have one group of people pay for another group of people." It's better PR for all you OTHER DEMOCRATS.
My perspective is, of course, of no consequence to OTHER DEMOCRATS, so I'll put it out there for the 'hell' of it. Oops, I said a bad word. I guess I'm a grown up and can fathom such concepts without fear.
I look at it this way.
I believe the people of this nation are basically good people. That isn't PR. They do all sorts of things to try to make ends meet. They work multiple jobs, they join the military and they love their kids. I don't believe for one minute there is a person out there if given the opportunity to pay for every aspect of their life that they won't choose to do it.
So, when issues come up regarding 'basic necessities,; such as clean water, nutrious foods, education to one's potential and health care; as one good person to another I have to look realistically at what is possible to fulfill those needs. Because if we are to be a strong country with a ready workforce and viable economy we need to meet people's basic necessities. Health care is one of them. And if getting people 'used to' being attentive to annual health care check ups is a part of that, then it is simply a part of that.
That is called morality. It 'fits' well into my life and I would like to think I contribute the best outcome of fellow Americans as best I can. And if, there is an adversity in my life that demands compassion to dominate need, then I hope other Americans will recognize the morality I exhibited toward them.
No, I don't put 'the dollar' before every conscience decision I make. But. Then. I am not an OTHER DEMOCRAT.