Eric Hall, of Taylor Shellfish Farms, counts the seeds that have settled on a shell. (click title to entry - thank you)
Lat/Lon: 58.8° N 137.0° W
Temperature :: 54 °F
Conditions :: Overcast
Humidity :: 88%
Dew Point :: 50 °F
Wind :: 7 mph from the NW
Pressure :: 29.84 in (Steady)
Visibility :: 10.0 miles
UV :: 2 out of 16
Overcast 6500 ft
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation :: 33 ft
Temperature :: 54 °F
Conditions :: Overcast
Humidity :: 88%
Dew Point :: 50 °F
Wind :: 7 mph from the NW
Pressure :: 29.84 in (Steady)
Visibility :: 10.0 miles
UV :: 2 out of 16
Overcast 6500 ft
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation :: 33 ft