It's interesting, I just had an annual physical. I am a healthy person. Not perfect heath, but, healthy.
If I had a lung or heart condition, I would definately ask my health care provider for recommendations.
There are going to be people that might want to consider a vaccine and their physicians or nurse practioners should be making recommendations, but, I would much rather rely on avoiding the infection and listening to recommendations while making wise decisions.
If anyone is feeling ill and unsure of their wellness in regard to any illness, I would encourage them to seek assessment.
I would expect any emergency room has areas for potential Swine Flu diagnosis. Remember, a hospital and emergency room is where illness can be found, so I would be careful about where to be assessed if it weren't a sincere emergency. There may be many questions regarding an illness and exposure to others, so patience is important.
As Vaccine Development Kicks Off, Caution Urged (click title to entry - thank you)
by Liz Halloran
Treatment Options
In most cases, the swine flu can be treated and prevented using the same anti-viral drugs that fight the seasonal influenza strains....