The Founding Fathers (not mothers) played politics, too.
The Illinois Governor is not wrong, he is innocent. Full of hubris and 'local political culture,' but, not guilty of a crime. He is playing a little loose with his powers both politically and legally, but, he isn't that horrible human being everyone wants to make him and his wife out to be.
If I can regress, there was a time in Arkansas when a couple that later occupied the White House knew all too well the unpleasant demands 'that came with serving the people.' It ain't easy and much of what has been so valuable regarding the service of Hillary and Bill Clinton was their ability to understand the Republican's ability to manipulate the public. I think if asked Bill Clinton would state, that the citizens of Arkansas became more sensitive to 'exploitation of their emotions' vs. 'their own ability to make informed and CORRECT decisions' about their choices for ELECTED authority.
If you recall during his run for President, Barak Obama stated (and I paraphrase), "...you will hear many bad things about me coming from the opposition. They will try to make you believe I am whom I am in a very negative way...."
I'd like to refer to a paragraph in Mr. Johnson's article.
...But talk is not enough. Any case will ultimately turn on the strength of the tapes, and whether the governor made it clear to any of the candidates for the Senate seat that he would give it only in exchange for something of value....
When I look at the 'charges,' and mind you there have been no indictments; they seem very trivial to me. Insulting. Crass. A lot of hubris and 'power speak.' Perhaps one might call some of it zealotry. All those things, but, when politics gets nasty the realm of civility becomes challenged. Talk is simply talk and when a Governor is speaking to a trusted collegue in his Cheif of Staff, you better believe feathers are going to fly in some instances.
I mean look at the viciousness of the political climate the Governor has to face today. Media services are attacking everyone and everything in trying to get a footing that will bring audience attention. The Illinois legislature is attempting to build steam against the Governor by a man whom's daughter is the Illinois Attorney General. She has stated she has ambitions to be Governor in 2010. THAT is a conflict of interest and she should have recused herself from any proceedings. That conflict of interest alone makes every proceedings either court or legislative automatically an element of appeal.
There is nothing wrong with investigating the aspects of the charges for impeachment, but, when Governor Rod Blagojevich is found innocent of any charges that will directly weigh on the legislators that have acted against him for political gain and they will find themselves voted out in the next election. If the Illinois legislature acts for political reasons without solid basis for there proceedings there will be repercussions and their are those already waiting for that to happen and hoping it does.
I find the Governor's will to stand his ground and see this through more than admirable, but, in all honesty if one is innocent then why would you not do exactly that and allow everyone else make all the mistakes and point to that reality in retrospect.
The real peril in allowing a media frenzy to dictate the outcome to ELECTED authority is that it endangers the democracy and insults the Constitution. We all have rights to Due Process and that includes ELECTED authorities. If we allow any aspect of Due Process to be underminded for 'political posturing' we are losing the basis of 'good politics,' 'good government' and the POWER of the vote.
I believe in our Constitution. It is strong. We have come out of the undermining of a very tenacious set of circumstances with a Republican dominated legislature and executive branch to elect a man I firmly believe holds the hopes and best outcomes to the USA. We have to allow the 'time' it takes for Due Process to work and believe regardless the outcome that we have acheived the ultimate 'good' of our democracy.
Hey, look. If folks in Illinois want to make a political circus of their government when there is so much in crisis including our national security, what does that tell you?
Thank you, Mr. Johnson.