The Ultimate Soldier wants the Ultimate War. He has already mentioned Georgia. That issue is a 'staging area' to an invasion into Asia.
McCain will instill a draft and you can count on it !
When my father served in Korea, he never believed the USA was the world's liberator or intended to be a 'Liberator of Oil.'
John McCain has an inflated sense of his military service and that is unfortunate. He is not capable of a balanced approach to the USA's military. He is a Neocon.
The 'talk' tonight with CNN is sponsored by the Time-Warner Military Complex. It's staged. No different than the other "Night with Religious" mess.
Months ago, Michael Moore reported on his website that there was poison-pen letters based in lies circulating through the web that was meant to discredit Barak Obama. During that time these messages were circulating through the internet Barak's ratings in this election time dropped significantly. Yesterday, Anderson Cooper 360 had a real campaign to exonerate Sarah Palin from any negative shadow. One of the focus was the lies that were mentioned on a Blog. Now, where is the 'fair and balanced' approached to that? If a Democrat's Blog states lies he is only taking on the 'right of passage' the Republicans enjoy without consequences.
It is all too obvious, this election is about maintaining the Bush influence in the Executive Branch regardless the recklessness of it all.
Since McCain 'played his shock and awe card with Palin,' she has been ratcheting up the rhetoric about military service with each one of her speeches and appearances, calling on the service of her sons as a point of Mother's Pride. This Republican Presidential set of nominations plans on mandatory service in the mechanisms of a draft as soon as they have secured their offices.
What does that mean? Bush/Cheney looked the other way when they received a report stating "Bin Laden Determined to Strike the USA." Well. Guess what awaits us after a McCain inauguration?
Everyone wants to 'risk' that happening again with people that are obvious oil lovers as well. Not me !!
There was a drastic shift in the political climate of the USA since the announcement by McCain of his poorly made Vice President choice. The shift was overtly made to promote the McCain ticket. Joe Biden never got that coverage.
The media is out of line when it comes to 'popularizing' a political figure at a time when elections are being held. Perhaps, the Obama team needs to count all the media hours dedicated to the female Republican Veep and demand equal time to the very 'second.'
Let's face it, McCain have been unable to raise the political funding that Barak has been able to raise. That is 'freedom,' that is the American people throwing their support behind a candidate they have confidence in. The people that put hard earned dollars in the treasury of a man that can be trusted, it is because they believe in the advantage well funded campaigns can bring. The media, since the Republican Convention, has made these efforts far more fruitless. There needs to be a significant review of the American media in relation to their 'levied' influence toward McCain and taking a role in this country that rightfully belongs to the American citizens.
The media indulgence has boosted McCain's following, although it may have not increased his success, that HELPED SUPPLEMENT the lack of fund raising by a Republican Neocon. I thought media was interested in 'an honest' outcome to an election. The United Nations needs to scrutinize the 'media effects' on the American Election this year.
...The McCain campaign said donations have been pouring in since the convention, allowing the Republican to narrow, if not eliminate, Obama's longstanding financial advantage. This week, a fundraiser in Chicago, Obama's hometown, yielded $5 million.....
What is even more scary is that come 2009 there won't be 'a free market' system in the USA in regard to television reception. Satellite will still be available, but, what is more than worrisome is the lack of choice to Americans and the ability to manipulate 'digital' television. I strongly believe that come 2009 television broadcasts will have edited content masking the 'real and live' images afforded the people of this country today. The only media come 2009 I intend to trust is the internet and 'the truth' I can find there.
8:54 PM - Dig this, they introduce Barak and then immediately start to 'replay' McCain's interview. I mean for real already.
I don't know about you, but, if the funding could be secured, Americans could literally begin their own television stations WITHOUT digital. Imagine that, "Rabbit Ears" would be the best investment a patriot could make.
Enough !!!!
Come on Barak, just say it, the difference between you and McCain when it comes to asking Americans to serve in the military should the country be under attack again, is that YOU won't send Americans into harms' way without a cause. You won't squander the patriotic intent of the men and women that volunteer to put their lives on the line for their country. You won't have gone into Iraq, you won't have created a 'Back Door Draft' of the National Guard and you would have sent in significant forces into Afghanistan and Tora Bora would have been the death of Bin Laden.
I sincerely wish, Barak wasn't as eloquent and humble as he is.
He is so eager to make a difference in this country. He is a great man.
9:04 PM - During a 'break' John McCain's name was promoted four times.
9:13 PM The question to Barak was based in bias against Democrats. "Big Government" inhibits private industry. Hm. Perhaps a Blast from the Past might reveal what 'Responsible' government is all about.
Clinton: Devote Surplus To Social Security
By John Harris
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, January 20, 1999; Page A1
President Clinton appeared before a joint session of Congress last night to present an ebullient vision of a nation enjoying vast prosperity after six years under his leadership, a newfound abundance that he said should be used to prepare for the burden of a rapidly aging population in the next century....
Responsible government is sensitive to the private sector. The JOBS in the USA have disappeared by an irresponsible Republican Executive Branch. Where is the Bush Surplus? I would think he would have 'put it back' by now !