l. His energy and transportation strategy is not what the country needs nor can afford (What good is drilling for oil now do anyone with $5.00 per gallon pump prices and NO drilling offshore of the USA will not bring down gas pump prices.)
2. His approach to foreign affairs is a chronic lead up to war.
3. His Vice Presidential choice places the USA 'at risk' on every venue. She has relied on building an economy in any of her capacities through exploitive government spending and overriding sound environmental and conservation policies.
4. There is no strategy to turn the USA economy around, no protections for American workers and no incentives for investment in the USA infrastructure.
5. His advisors reflect 'inside the Beltway' in larger measure than any other Republican candidate in the former field.
6. He has no right to attempt 'Flash-in-the-Pan' politics to entice the electorate with celebrity tactics and place our country at further risk of war, increased pollution due to continued carbon dioxide emissions, declining economic infrastructure (If the USA continues with its aggressive attitude toward continuous war, it will become more and more isolated into economic failure. The world is not going to put up with more irresponsible Neocon rantings and war chants. It just won't.) due to globlal ridicule of the USA War posture.
7. An America devoid of good healthcare infrastructure with a 'health care strategy' that will demise what is left of employer benefits and superior health policies that ordinary Americans will never be able to afford or have available again.
8. More deregulation of government and more tax cuts with escalating national debt.
THE CAMPAIGN RHETORIC of McCain is something we have all heard before, but, he cannot deliver an American 'healed' and 'prepared.'
9. A continued tragically poor educational system with declining college enrollment.
10. No withdrawal strategy for Iraq.
11. No plan to destroy al Qaeda.
12. No means to capture or kill Osama bin Laden.
13. No methodology for nuclear disarmament.
14. No productive strategy to ascertain the causes for the confrontation by Georgia of Russia.
15. No method of securing global peace without nuclear exchange with Russia and China.
Vladimir Putin, Gates and McCain. Russia is NOT our enemy, although McCain finds it politically convenient to maintain that posture.
The McCain Seven (click here) - The Washington Insiders
McCain's advisers are a troubling group (click title to entry, thank you)
September 2, 2008
Al Gore is an honorable man. He cares about environmental issues. George Bush is not an honorable man. He started a war based on lies. John Kerry is an honorable man. He was upset after a firefight killed civilians and concluded that the Vietnam war was unjustified. Dick Cheyney is not an honorable man. He supported the Iraq War and gave no-bid contracts to buddies.
John McCain was an honorable man. He acted valiantly in five years' imprisonment in North Vietnam and championed campaign finance reform, opposed torture, and helped immigration reform. But in his quest for president, he sold his soul to the devil. He has 100 lobbyists on his staff. Charlie Black was a hired gun for repressive African regimes. Randy Scheunemann pushed the invasion of Iraq. Wayne Berman's client was a predatory mortgage company. Meg Whitman pushed for permanent tax cuts for the rich and and Phil Gramm pushed for deregulating Wall Street scammers.
If you approve of McCain's staffers, he is your man. If you value U.S. economic security and justice for working Americans, vote for Obama or minor party candidates.
John R. Zachmann