September 1, 2008
UNISYS Water Vapor GOES East Satellite
When Gustav makes landfall, the 'oscillation' with Hanna will bring Hanna higher dynamics. The path of Hanna at this point cannot be completely stated as striking the eastern seaboard of the USA. THAT, at this point, is still unknown and it would be fool's game to state otherwise. New Orleans and its DAMAGED levee system is an unknown quanity as well. The levees are ONLY 20% rebuilt and to believe 'the worst' is over with Gustav landfall would be imprudent !
There is also this:
There have been other storms, namely Andrew (click here) that have entered the Gulf from the Atlantic across southern Florida. Hanna sits and spins slightly south of this path, but, there is nothing dictating it will stay that way.
The reality of Andrew is that although believed to be a Cat 3 at the time it struck Florida, it was later realized to be a Cat 5 (click here). These monsters are chronically under-estimated and was we saw with Katrina, the dynamics of Human Induced Global Warming makes the voracity of these storms 'at the surface' where humans survive completely unpredictable in the extent damage is leveled.