Michelle Obama and her family. Lucky, lucky girl.
She is a brilliant woman and Harvard attorney. She is a great wife and mother.
..."Anyone - anyone! - who equates the struggle for equality of women in this country with the struggle of blacks up from slavery is talking total bullshit." Head cast down, eyes averted from his opponent, he furiously addressed his half-drunk glass of wine....
Let's talk about the 14th amendment for a minute (click here). The above paragraph is from the article with a link at the title to this entry. It illustrates a more than interesting 'phenomena' in American history.
At the time of American politics that resulted in an amendment to the USA Constitution which would grant all citizens equality, there were 'two' Civil Rights movements occurring at the same time. One of the recognition of the Black American and the other was The Sufferage Movement.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton (click here).
Susan B. Anthony (click here).
Black Suffrage and the Struggle for Civil Rights (click here).
The mature population of the USA, when it comes to 'class stuggles' for power are literally divided between White Guys and Minorities. The definition of minority in the USA includes women. Women, although more than 50% of the populous of the USA, are also 'minority' when it comes to 'power' and 'influence' to 'affect' laws of the USA to benefit women.
Before the Fourteenth Amendment was passed, these two camps of Americans were petitioning their government and rallying for change together. It was a joint effort, the irony to the passage of the Amendment is that it didn't change the circumstances of women very much. At least not right away. The 14th Amendment was a clear victory for movement into equality for primarily Black Men, but, for women of any ethnicity it was still a loss of their movement for equal rights.
The issue of bigotry in the USA is deeply entrenched. I believe it is because people are 'comfortable' with traditional Christian values being 'built into' their laws when it comes to 'social content.' There were no Black Men at the signing of the Declaration of Independance or the USA Constitution, so it is obvious that 'globally' White Folks were in charge of things and they were comfortable with that.
To stop to realize that a 14th amendment was even necessary in 'the land of the free and home of the brave' is astounding all by itself. The fact of the matter is that although 'the colonies' broke free of British domination, the British empire over centuries of a billiant military domination of 'literally the world' facilitated by an even more brilliant navy shaped the 'culture' of the world it dominated. With rare exception, in every corner of the world, there is British influence to be found. The Chinese, the Orient was a good exception, but, even noting the West Indies is testiment to modern day laws and culture.
Enough said about the British, except to realize, that Republicans still believe in slave labor. Illegal Immigrants are welcome and marginally supported by any true Republican crony.
The point is why the 'heck' did the Democratic Primaries turn into a 'dog and pony show' over Civil Rights? Because it was destined to be exactly that. It 'had' to 'go there.' Both women and Blacks STILL had issues to bring to the 'class struggle for political power.' The same issues that beset the Americans at the time of the Fourteeth Amendment still exist today. Granted the oppression is watered down by freedoms demanded by women and minorities and primarily facilitated through opportunities in education. But they still exist. So, the 'Anti-Oppression' movement so long ago, while successful, didn't solve all the problems.
The Democrats are the people in the USA that represent the oppressed. The Republicans are factilitated by money. They 'buy' their way into their own priorities. Money is a leverage with Republicans and where they can't 'capture' enough money in the private sector they obviously covet government treasuries to faciliate their 'greed.' And it ain't just the USA Treasury. That is why the global markets are a disaster and why sovereignty is such an issue. Bush, Jr. is a zealot and I defy anyone to say differently. So is Cheney. They found a great deal of comfort in the power of the Executive Branch of the USA and 'settled in' for as much global expansion of their fiscal recklessness as they could muster while proclaiming the 'need' for war.
That is nearly an essay all by itself. And brings me to a film clip I saw yesterday regarding an Iranian militant. The 'ranting' about Iran is displaced and such articles are 'used' to illustrate a 'supposed' fact for invasion, due to misplaced paranoya over the Iranian nuclear potential. That faux priority regarding Iran is, excuse the expression, but it's 'horse shit.' The Iranian militants existed BEFORE Bush invaded Iran and Iran was on its way to being a more liberated country before the elections of Ahmadinejad. So when a major newspaper displays Iranian militants in a short span of time of articles regarding nuclear weapons there is only ONE way to interpret the 'subliminal' message in that stategy. But, like I stated, that is another essay.
But, to clarify the Democratic Primary season and the aftermath, I am wondering if writing about the 'obvious' here is actually necessary, but, I'll do it anyway.
The 2008 Democratic Primary season was necessary. It needed to re-invigorate the basic Constitutional right of equality. Justice. Love of freedom. Right to self expression. And more importantly 'the eviction of the DC blood sucking political culture.'
That, my friends is very 'dangerous stuff' to those in long, held and personally coveted political infrastructure. Imagine a political landscape in the USA without any more DeLays, Cheneys, Bushs and the list goes on and on and on and on.
Imagine 'instead' a return to a political landscape dominated by 'honesty, quality in leadership and the 'entitlement' of a Brave New World' whereby generations of Americans are free to 'plan' on an American Dream insured to them by their Constitution that even includes a safe troposphere of Earth and sound legislated fiscal policy.
My good heavens, include with that cooperation among nations globally and you might have a really stable and BORING predictable life WITHOUT oil, war or strife.
What good what that do anyone in DC?
They might even have to shorten their legislative sessions out of pure boredom and lack of purpose due to a world of stability and international cooperation that ACTUALLY stops terrorist networks.
Won't that be interesting, huh?
Or uninteresting depending on your point of view.
So to bring these ramblings to a close, I want you to take a darn good look at the picture below. Don't miss any detail. Because the ONE MAN that can stop the insanity of the last eight years is being portrayed as the most dangerous man on Earth. The ONE MAN that can stop and kill Osama bin Laden with the will to do exactly that is being 'toyed' with in a CARTOON to bring about the reality that there are some idiosyncrasies about his name and parentage that should instill FEAR into every reasonable American.
That, my friends is the viciousness of the 'Anti-Change' DC establishment.
This is NOT satire. It is defamation for all its worth !
I want a Class Action Suit !! No doubt in my mind !! I want respect and I want it NOW !!
The is the most astounding display of bigotry I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. Dear God, what next ! They crossed 'the line' to give permission to such ideas.
A class action suit is necessary. The FCC should be fronting the deliberate use of media of any kind that leads a nation into defamation this angry and obviously politically insideous with the goal to defeat a worthy Presidential Hopeful and his spouse.
I am not laughing. The Class Action suit should encompass any and all such attack ads that seek personal attacks against Barak Obama or his family. These people are great Americans with a history of standing up for 'the truth.' The only thing Barak and his wife are guilty is 'not playing the DC insider game.'
I guess The New Yorker is seeking to bring focus to issues of bigotry in what they coin as satire. There is a limit to "Freedom of Speech." That limit stops at defamation. That is what this is.
If "The New Yorker" wanted to make a spoof of the people that expound such hatred masked in images and statements based in fear mongering, they should have put the image in a 'cartoon' quote bubble above 'Bubba's Head.'
This is pure unadulterated bigotry and defamation. That is what this illustrates. It should not be tolerated.
NOW !!!!!!!!!!