Friday, July 18, 2008

The folks in Gitmo aren't from Iran regardless the Bush labeling of The Iranian Revolutionary Guard

For the first time in eight years the USA is FINALLY sending diplomats to meet with Iran.

For years, the Bush/Cheney Administration has 'haunted' the electorate with 'tales' of Iran's nuclear potential without one grain of actual evidence, except 'hearsay.' Cheney in his second inaugural address in 2005 stated Israel should proceed to bomb Iran. John McCain sang for his initiative, "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran...."

Let's see what happens. The world needs to keep their hand on the pulse of Georgie's diplomat, because, regardless 'the truth' they'll only be seeking to make accolades of lies and deceit.

Mark my words.

It's about time we were seeking to be included in diplomatic efforts with Iran, but with the purpose of returning a democratic process whereby Iranian Moderates were a vital aspect of the Iranian Political landscape before Iraq was "W"rongfully invaded !

The true measure of success in diplomacy with Iran will be marked by revelations of political prisoner releases with inventories to their names and charges and NOT the fact there is conversation over a nuclear potential.

The 'real' change within Iran will be nearly impossible without a return to its presence of Political Moderates in the legislature. There are ways of proceeding with Iran that does not demoralize the people while insuring the security of the region. This is a uniquely Shi'ite Nation whereby we should be seeking to uphold every aspect of the freedom of their political will and not enforcing the fear of clinging to their extremeists.