There are very few studies of gun control and how it translates into effective law. But there is one readily available to the electronic media.
Gary Kleck found marginal support for gun control in his study with the best outcome when it impacted on dealers and other venues of sales such as 'gun shows' and the like. It is a vast subject and I can only begin to touch on it here, but, there is strong argument for gun control when one examines the issues of another country. That country is Brazil. One might know that the Brady Bill was very successful by every measure.
To impart the vastness of this subject I refer to an article entitled:
UN Conference on Illicit Trade in Small
The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 95, No. 4.
(Oct., 2001), pp. 901-903.
To better understand the Neocons point of view one might listen to their 'round the clock' conference expert who responses to 'the call' for Pro Gun Lobby issues when such focus arise in the USA.
The name if the man that would have the average citizen arm themselves is John Lott (click on).
( Odd, the audio segment originally at Lott's Website isn't there anymore. Hm. click on)
I have to wonder, what indeed would have happened in the NASA facility. I mean there isn't tighter security and there was an employee feeling threatened with his job and carried a gun in to the facility anyway.
I wonder what John Lott would propose of people in a weapon assembly plant that creates something like nuclear weapons? Arms? Really? Hm.
The people of Conservative Talk Radio would even have the American Public School System accommodate an agenda of aggression in that according to them, the current school system teaches passivity.
Really? Well, I remember plenty of news articles about the moms that carry weapons in their handbags while little Georgie pulls it out and plays "High Noon" with his playmates. That is not a tragedy due to availability of weapons? Ah, yeah, it is .
Basically, Mr. Lott believes everyone in the USA needs to be armed to the teeth to prevent assault by others due to intimidation. There is a minor flaw in that strategy. Intimidation would require a killer to be afraid of dying. These killers aren't afraid of dying. At all. They pay their price and keep on going until they are finally stopped and/or MOSTLY commit suicide. In my opinion, this is a crime of suicide when all of life seems ludicrous to them. Guns are responsible for a huge suicide rate in the USA. Mostly men commit suicide with a gun.
It seems to me the 'persona' of male in the USA requires a wild abandon with guns of any nature. If you can't handle a weapon, you ain't a man. That needs to stop. Completely. A civilized society addresses it's issues, not exploit them for profits. I could show you a study that reflects over 70% of the American public since 1939 to present has demanded the control of guns. And get this, that included over 65% of gun owners. Click here for reference cited.