An Iranian flag flies outside the building housing the reactor of the Bushehr nuclear power plant.
...the fact is Russia is involved correctly with the Iranian facility.
Several years ago, President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would supply enriched uranium to any country engaged in peaceful use of nuclear technology. The USA, China, France or the United Kingdom has NEVER made such an offer. Russia has made the statement that in providing the enriched uranium for the reactor, it will also receive expended fuel rods for disposal as well. There is no way for the International Community to know the exact relationship begun in regard to peaceful use of nuclear energy between Iran and Russia, but, certainly the IAEA has the right and obligation to establish an interest.
This is a beginning for Russia to lead the global market of peaceful nuclear technology in a way that can matter and assure more compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty than not. Whether Russia will use these trade relationships to insure compliance with that treaty is another area the IAEA needs to explore and find reassurance for the Global Community.
At risk, is the escalation of "Cold War" ideologies which Iran has already exhibited in reaction to the USA occupation of Iraq. Today, Iraq is also expressing displeasure with it's neighbors and has warned Turkey to stop it's intrusion bombing into northern Iraq. It is an act of aggression by Turkey that could escalate further tensions with Iran as well, while compromising Kurdish cooperation in the Iraqi Central Government.
There will be no doubt the USA Media services supporting war at any cost will exploit this event. There is nothing to exploit. This is complete recognition now that Iran has trade relations with Russia and more than likely military alliance as well. It is a huge statement in that Russia may very well be prepared to intercede in assistance to Iran should the USA attempt another illegal and unjustified invasion into still another Islamic country, this one the only exclusively Shi'ite nation.
Today, is a better day than yesterday. To some extent Iran is reassured it can have energy it has desired and in cooperation with a country that can honor that agreement and see to the security of the reactor and fuel supply as well. If for instance, the agreement was with Pakistan, it would disasterous to the International Community and threaten stability all the more.