At the title to this entry is a link to an LA Times article regarding the Former General Sanchez and his statement regarding Iraq, basically, "Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide." From a General's perspective I am sure he is correct, from a USA citizen standpoint there is plenty room to leave Iraq.
Generals have taken far to prominent a position in a government adrift in a sea of apathy. The USA that exists today is not the USA of seven years ago. It is a drift in a lagging economy and basically a ship without a rutter.
Generals don't dictate USA policy. There is no reason to believe we are in Iraq forever. No way. We are out of there and the countries in the region will find a way to peace with a change in leadership in DC and a return to diplomacy. Just that simple.
We are not holding the hands of the Middle East anymore. We are securing USA borders and shoring up USA national security and we are rebuilding OUR infrastructure. We have an entire young generation without satisfying personal achievement because the older generation is not retiring with 'greed' as a goal. The older American sees a country with a shrinking ability to support them in 'style' while younger Americans have no solid base of income or a career to springboard their own futures and family security.
The USA has become morally bankrupt under the current administration and the former Republican majority legislature. Besides a genocidal and illegal war, the 'Arms Race' has returned to the USA and Russia at a time when there should be mutual disarmament in nuclear weapons and expectations to uphold The Non-Proliferation Treaty. At a time when the USA should be rejoicing in China's success in providing an international venue for the 2008 Olympics, we are looking at nuclear ships and subs as a potential threat and an expanded edition of still another arms race.
The USA has a service economy that waits on foreign visitors while grateful for a devalued dollar so Europe now has a new playground and a city in New York to purchase the latest Gucci cheaper than Paris or Geneva.
The people of the USA have a Vice President with a Nobel Peace Prize. The very same one that left office with a world mostly at peace and a nation with a fiscal surplus. Yet all anyone can do is turn their noses up at the 'idea' of actually having to stop using fossil fuels without clear paths to victory of having a home powered by solar or wind.
The USA financial markets have overtaken the culture of those that are wealthy and the moral place for conservation, environmentalism, peace and wild land preservation and protection has become unfashionable. What I am going to present tonight will make many upset. It requires a call of the Senate and House to investigate the current trend by the Bureau of Fish and Wildlife, the Department of the Interior and the EPA. The public lands of the USA are being exploited and there is a cultural movement among 'The Wall Street' breed to allow it to happen.
What I am about to present tonight can easily lead to impeachment. It's abuse of government and negligence of the 'public trust' of the people of the USA. You won't hear this any place else, I already tried to enlist the assistance of The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle and The Seattle Post Intelligencer. I was met with the same rhetorical shunning of the issue I have stipulated above. Wealth first, the American people NEVER.