Wednesday, August 15, 2007

UNISYS Enhanced Infrared GOES East Satellite - the 'energy wave' of Erin...

August 15, 2007
Enhanced Infrared Satellite

The storm in the Gulf of Mexico is actually an oscillating energy wave. Although the storm is believed to be 'near shore' of Texas, it is actually oscillating/rotating back into the Gulf at the same time.

It is better seen in this satellite picture of the USA (click here) and the Southeast (click here). I used the Enhanced Infrared Satellite because it is visually easier to note the building 'storm behind the storm' in the green color. Literally what is occuring is an interaction between the 'system' in the Gulf and that in the Pacific, as a result 'Erin' isn't actually dissipating completely so much as 'returning' in a reverse flow back to the warmest waters of the Gulf with assistance of the humidity of the low pressure in the Pacific just the other side of the land mass of Central American.

The reason I write this is to be sure people 'on shore' don't completely 'come away' from precautions as the 'higher energy' is still in the vacinity and not completely dissipated nor has intentions to be just yet. Have a good evening, I'll be back tomorrow and put together a zoo section. Michael Moore's site is always on top of issues and I roared with laughter when he stated "Bush's loses Brain" with the resignation of Karl Rove (click here). The amazing aspect of "Sicko" that no one can deny is that it is a very important film and is demonstrated to be such in 'Red States' as well as 'Blue.' I congratulate Michael for bring a subject to a divided country that everyone can agree on. Until tomorrow.