Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I have to precede this entry with an understanding about 'trust.'

The Gulf of Mexico. A NASA photo.

I have a very low tolerance level of trust regarding people that surround the issue of Human Induced Global Warming. There is a reason for that. The nation of the USA has been lead down the "W"rong path for decades regarding that issue.

With that said, everyone needs to know there are some members of upper management of The Weather Channel that have given misleading testimony to the USA Senate. It was the "W"rongest thing they could do. Such an act endangers people's lives. The Weather Channel should know that. Especially them.

Now. The reason I bring this up is because I have been listening to The Weather Channel over the last week and I have heard interesting things that lead me to believe whatever was going on that lead men to make "W"rongful statements before the USA Senate has been rethought.

For those that enjoy zoos, you'll absolutely love this segment from a program The Weather Channel broadcasts called, "Forecast Earth." It is a segment starring Jack Hanna. The Weather Channel calls him, "Jungle Jack Hanna." It is a wonderful presentation and I sincerely DO TRUST Jack Hanna. He speaks to my heart and this program was no exception. Kindly click on the title of this entry AND THEN click on the link entitled "Gone for Good" to enjoy "Jungle Jack Hanna" in his 'environmentalist hat.'

Enjoy. I did. I really appreciated Jack at his best.