Dear Friends of the Traverse City Film Festival,
I have some very good news for you. Yesterday at 10 a.m., I signed thepapers that make the Traverse City Film Festival the new owner of thehistoric State Theatre in downtown Traverse City! That's right -- the filmfestival not only now has a permanent home, we are going to re-open theState Theatre as a year-round, state-of-the-art film theater showing thebest of American independent, classic, and foreign cinema.
This resurrection of the State has been made possible through the generosityof Rotary Charities of Traverse City -- until Tuesday, the owner of thebuilding. They have "sold" it to us for a performance-based mortgage whichstates that the $600,000 "cost" of the theater is forgiven if we keep itopen a certain number of days for at least five years. If we do, themortgage is torn up and the theater is ours for free.
In order to bring the State back to life, it will take the activeinvolvement of our area's very large group of movie lovers -- namely, you!Those of you who live in the Traverse City area know about the long historyof a variety of groups trying to re-open the State. Each group attempted amajor fundraising campaign to restore the theater. Sadly, their goals werenot met, and the darkened theater changed hands a number of times.
In taking ownership of the theater (after a negotiation process that took 20months), we have decided not to conduct such a major fundraising campaign.We decided that we just needed to open the theater once and for all. At lastyear's founders party, I announced that I would personally be responsiblefor the $150,000 worth of projection and sound equipment needed to make theState a world-class theater. I then asked for one "angel" in the communityto step forward and match me. Within 10 minutes, Buzz Wilson, one of thefestival's chief film sponsors, said he would pay for the improvements to building up to code -- and a big new popcorn popper. Between what Buzz and I\u003cbr /\>will do, the State can open this year.the roof, a new handicap restroom, various other repairs to bring thebuilding up to code -- and a big new popcorn popper. Between what Buzz and Iwill do, the State can open this year.
But for the State to stay open -- and to serve as the anchor of our belovedfilm festival -- it will require the active participation of our friendsgroup and anyone else who would love to see the State's lights stay on forgood.
In the coming weeks, we will announce the grand re-opening date and what wewill need to sustain this wonderful, old movie palace. It will be staffed byvolunteers and it will be supported by the small donations from what we hopewill be the thousands of the State Theater's new "members." And if there isanother angel or two who can help us repair the marquee or put airconditioning in the lobby, then please let us know who you are!
We'll have much more to share with you next month as we get closer to thefestival. For now, I and my fellow festival board members -- John RobertWilliams, Doug Stanton, Terry George and Larry Charles -- and our festivalmanager, Deb Lake, wanted to let you hear the good news before it hits themedia in a few hours. All of you, through your hard work and financialsupport, have made the festival what it has become -- and you have broughtus to this day where we now have a permanent home for all of those who lovethis art form we call the movies.
Thank you again for being part of something special.
Michael Moore
President, Traverse City Film Festival
PS. If you're free at 9:30 this morning (Wednesday), come on down to the State for the big announcement.