Two satellite views are missing from the 24 hour loop, 12 AM and 3AM. The satellite shows temperatures over zero in several views, but, that is still high tropospheric heat as the surface reporting stations don't reflect that. But, in comparing the hemispheric satellite from last week to this there are large masses of air moving off the top ice and reflecting higher temperatures there.
The warmest area is:
Reporting time is 7:00 AM DAVT
Davis, Antarctica
Elevation :: 59 ft / 18 m
Temperatures :: 33 °F / 0 °C (The temperature is actually a hair bit warmer than freezing but it is only reflected on the Fahrenheit scale. It has not moved enough to make the temperature 1 degree above zero C.)
Conditions :: Partly Cloudy
Dew Point:19 °F / -7 °C
Wind:40 mph / 65 km/h / from the NE
Wind Gust:-
Pressure:29.10 in / 985 hPa (Rising)
Visibility:19.0 miles / 30.0 kilometers
UV:0 out of 16
Flight Rule:VFR ()
Wind Speed:40 mph / 65 km/h /
Wind Dir:50° (NE)
Ceiling:100000 ft / 100000 m
The coldest areas are :
Dome C
Reporting time 10:00 GMT
University Wi Id 8904, Antarctica
Elevation :: 10761 ft / 3280 m
Temperature :: -76 °F / -60 °C
Wind :: 2 mph / 4 km/h /
Pressure :: in / hPa (Rising)
Flight Rule :: NA
Wind Speed :: 2 mph / 4 km/h /
Wind Dir :: ° ()
Ceiling :: -
Vostok, Antarctica
Reporting time 7:40 AM Vost
Elevation :: 11220 ft / 3420 m
Temperature :: -56 °F / -49 °C
Humidity :: 40%
Dew Point :: -64 °F / -53 °C
Wind :: 8 mph / 13 km/h / from the SSW
Wind Gust :: -
Pressure :: in / hPa (Rising)
Visibility :: 12.0 miles / 20.0 kilometers
Flight Rule :: VFR ()
Wind Speed :: 8 mph / 13 km/h /
Wind Dir :: 200° (SSW)
Ceiling :: 100000 ft / 100000 m
Perhaps I'll revisit this tomorrow.