Saturday, April 29, 2006

JFK 'the Wise'

In 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy faced the question of a larger presence in Vietnam. He was divided between the USA's alliance through SEATO and what was emerging as the will of the South Vietnamese people. They were primarily Buddists. The question of 'The Domino Theory' hung in the balance and the re-election bid of 1964 was in the aire.

Where John Kennedy exhibited greatness was to survey circumstances and find 'the truth' and the 'future.' Many of our presidents had that 'crystal ball' quality and he was definately one who did. There was a reassurance about The Kennedy Presidency and leadership. A reassurance that the USA was a great power, without fear and in the face of pressure to enter war, it was prudent to distance ourselves from it realizing 'strength' did not come from military dominance so much as 'international respect.'

John Kennedy's charismatic approach to leadership propelled all others to the extremes but never he.

At the time of JFK's assassination he was on the verge of reversing the role of the USA in Vietnam.

He found no 'impetus' for war.