Monday, December 25, 2006

Northern Fur Seal Pup. There are rookeries on St. George Island

The Nature Conservancy has an effort there (click on).

The St. Paul and St. George Islands northern fur seal population in the Pribilof Islands (click on) Archipelago is the largest among U.S. fur seal rookeries (Figs. 1-3) with an estimated 919,000 northern fur seals (York et al. 2000). Smaller breeding colonies are located on the Kuril Islands in Japan, the Commander Islands in Russia, Bogoslof Island in the southeastern Bering Sea, and San Miguel Island in the Channel Islands off California. Northern fur seals were designated as depleted in 1988 under the Marine Mammal Protection Act when it was determined they were below their Optimum Sustainable Population (OSP) level. Commercial harvesting of fur seals was discontinued on St. George Island in 1973 and on St. Paul Island in 1984; however, a subsistence harvest continues on both islands. There is no subsistence or commercial harvest on the remaining U.S. rookeries (Figs. 4 and 5).

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