Saturday, November 11, 2006

Where are we going with a war in Iraq?

This is a natural resource map of the Middle East. The An Albar province has little to no water resource in the way of an aquifer. Some wealthy Middle East nations use distillation processes of sea water (click on) as a means of acquiring a water source. Iraq has a very small shoreline and does not border An Albar at all. The accommodation of a water suppy for the province could bring irrigation water as well and a productive farming community.

The other resource noted here is oil. Needless to say An Albar is out of luck. I don't know if that is such a bad thing. But, the people of the province need resources to support them. Their legacy of living peacefully among the Shi'ites and Kurds of Iraq would dictate they would be provided a portion of the profits of that resource. However, with a warming planet, all OPEC nations need to examine other means of economy to insure a world for their children to inherit.

The USA occupation of Iraq needs to end. The Shi'ites need to move their majority to that of the traditional territories of their ethnicity and the central authority of Iraq truly has only one purpose and that is to oversee any International Treaties and Contracts regarding the oil reserves there and distributing the wealth of that equally based on 'per capita' need.

I don't see the USA military staying much longer in Iraq. The sectarian violence will stop when the ethnicities feel secure and have their own territories to protect and defend. Al Qaeda will not be tolerated beyond the occupation as it will serve to destroy any authority of any province. Al Qaeda will not have longevity in the region and by incorporating the provinces to that of the region, the allies to each province will seek to help reduce any terrorist network. That focus will be facilitated by the fact none of these nations seek to facilitate the extremist networks that destroy their infrastructure and kill their citizens.
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