Monday, October 30, 2006

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October 30, 2006

9:00 AM

Antarctica is hot. It's going to be a long, hot summer. Not fun. This is not fun to watch either. The countries with camps there need to dispatch teams now, but, with strict instructions for vigilance to any change in ice conditions. The seas are going to be torturous this year with much more sea ice and large ice flows. There probably will be early icebergs of larger size. To all on the way to Antarctica, be careful, this will be a dangerous season with no ozone over head either. I would expect to see an abundance of marine mammals. It was a good freeze over the winter so there should be plenty of phytoplankton and algae with the first melt. Good luck to all.

There are many more 'temperate' areas this week. Vostok is 53 degrees C with a humidity of 35 percent (click on). I would anticpate a rise in humidity if there was significant sublimation/vaporations of the ice.

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