Monday, July 17, 2006

Stabilize Sheba Farms Sovereignty

Sheba Farms is among the first places that has to have it's sovereignty permanently replaced form the grips of Hezbollah. Hezbollah's mines have to be removed where possible. It's a very difficult and dangerous task, but, a brutally primative method deployed by residential terrorists to insure their definition to their 'strongholds'/border emcampments.

No matter how one looks at it this is a hideously dangerous region of the world that requires the claims of sovereignty in a profound manner away from the grips of terrorist regimes that have found sanction by governments for decades.

This is not a simple 'International' venture as one might think. This is a torturous end to 'bad habits' and very dangerous alliances in the region. It has to work. There has to be a permanent path to peace established.

That will not occur by a simple 'idea' that sovereign authorities agree on peace as "The Road Map" simplistically purports. This is a very doggedly determination to disentangle all terrorist alliances with sovereign authority with VERIFIABLE results.

Governments must remove terrorist regimes from their infrastructure and incarcerating them from their societies. Saudi Arabis published it's "Most Wanted List" annually with approximately 30 or so names. It is highly successful and when recognized across all international borders could easily be 100% successful.

Israelis fire artillery shells into Southern Lebanon

Tuesday, 10 May 2005

Beirut, Lebanon
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Israeli troops "accidentally" fired an artillery shell into Lebanese territory on Monday during an attempt to blow up mines planted by Hizbullah fighters near an army border post, the Israeli Army said.
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