January 38, 2006
Grank Forks, North Dakota.
Photographer states :: On a normal day, you would be able to see a stoplight, a gas station, and an I-29 overpass from this location - not so when the snow is coming down at a rate of more than 1 inch an hour.
ANOTHER WASTE OF GOVERNMENT MONEY. NOAA comes up with a rating system for snowstorms. After the fact. It doesn't even assess the storm to 'warn' residents of impending dangers. This is rubbish. It is a form of government manipulation to classify with 'complex' understanding for a 'sense of control.' I am confident the Northeast continues to feel under served by the Federal government. More propaganda under the 'cloak' of 'expertise.' NOAA should be humiliated by such a ridiculous exercise !
Let's see. Grand Forks, North Dakota has an interesting university, if I am not mistaken, teaching weather impacts with a focus on airlines. Would such a system be relivant to them? No. They, as students, are interested in preventing death due to severe weather, not counting the dead after the tragedy.
Would the 'white out' above be considered 'SEVERE?' Or perhaps just 'MAJOR.' At any rate no matter how NOAA would rate it, the people would have a description that would be sufficient for any news agency. Along with some colloquialisms for the 'devil' of Climate Change in the Oval Office.
Beware "the small print."
Do not accept readily government 'enhancements' of science. Eventually, they will replace 'old and proven norms.' This is just the beginning. We as Americans are not safe from an agenda to dismantle safeguards to create an appearance of minimization of danger.
Simple example: A new traffic light was placed on UNCW campus at the corner of Racine Drive and Randall Avenue. If one is crossing the street from Racine a 'walk/no walk' sign can assist in avoiding danger. If crossing from the 'Friday Hall' side of Randall, there is no cross walk sign and from standing on the corner it is not easily disserned what the traffic light color is. Friday Hall on UNCW Campus is the hub of Marine Plant Science, along with Marine Biolgoy. The third floor of Friday Hall is a favor haven of mine. Cute. Real cute. The campus in less than a year is being transformed into a megalopolis. It is nearly impossible to see from one side of campus to the other now, as we used to enjoy open spaces. In addition, tuition costs are increasing while huge building projects skyrocket costs at a public university. These buildings are pork barrel spending. A favor question among the students is, "When will they take down the prison fences?" The students are separated from dangerous heavy equipment and construciton by chain link fences. The fences are so poorly maintained they are unsightly and potentially dangerous for their disrepair.
Republican greed without university need. How does one outprice public education? Build and construct unmercifully.