Sunday, October 16, 2005

October 13, 2005. 0130 z. This is an enhanced infrared satellite two hours previous of the one below. The 'heat intense' areas are at slightly lower latitudes. The focus to all this is in hopes of diminished volitility in the lower latitudes realizing the 'balance' between the heat and the ice has equalized and not spilled over into high velocity 'eddies.' To realize the heat is being balanced over the Arctic is to hope the balance is swinging in favor of a 'freezing' Arctic rather than a melting and subliming one. The stalled system is still abnormal but could be a reversal point. It is drastically important to realize that IF this were to be a reversal point it could still be a very profound climate change focus that causes drastic changes in the land below the system. Posted by Picasa