A Call for the United Nations to send Observers to the USA Devastation Area
The body recovery to the Gulf Coast area is underway with much doubt being added daily to the 'competency' of the accounting. The Bush Administration does not want to be embarrassed and wishes to diminish the impact.
Last night on NewsNight there was a 'scenario' introduced stating 'numbers' at the beginning of an event of this magnitude can be more speculative than real. Tonight that theme was conveniently repeated. Propaganda. Very suspicious.
Today the USA government has moved against media organizations in court to prevent a video accounting of the removal of the dead. The media organization state they will seek to fend this off, but, as of recent this administration is jailing journalists in regard to an investigation regarding the outing of a CIA agent.
This administration is corrupt in it's practices. While the USA is believed to be the wealthiest country in the world, it's face is more that of a Third World country especially with it's escalating numbers of poor. There is no longer representative government in Washington, DC. There is however a regime that plays it's electorate along for favored status. Has the USA become much less than some of the most violent regimes invading other countries for their assets while neglecting their people at home? It might be considered in it's infancy, but, it's all true.
I hope there will not be a large number of dead, but, at the same instance I don't want bodies to be bulldozed along with towns to hide a correct body count. These people deserved to be indentified with proper burials.
I believe it is time for the United Nations to send Independant Observers as they did with the elections to areas now being cleared of the dead so everyone can have a clear conscience regarding this issue.
It is necessary with illegal and immoral governments to take a stand, it is clearly that time to view the 'morality' of this regime in DC in that light.
Thank y0u.