Monday, May 16, 2005

God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food. Amen.

In case you don't recognize it that is a CHILD'S dinner time prayer.

intelligent design - a theology for a theocracy. There is no proof of 'intelligent design.' One has to 'believe' and 'have faith' to recognize this explanation to everything. It is simplistic. It proves nothing EXCEPT people who want to control every aspect of life can 'think up' an answer.

"When I was a child, I thought as a child, but then I became a man I put away childish things..."

The Evangelicals at CNN are having an effect on Lou Dobbs.

I don't know how a man from could take up the frightful fight promoting 'Intelligent Design' but he has. I guess Ms. Bigot von Zwieten has told Lou, "My way or the highway."

At any rate I thought it appropriate for him to start his discussion on the latest animal form that showed up Hockus Pockus as a food source from Intelligent Design.


Here it is.

New species of rodent found in Laos [...]

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -- Is it a squirrel, a rat, a guinea pig? Maybe a chinchilla?
The long-whiskered rodent with stubby legs and a tail covered with dense hair resembles them all but has turned out be a previously unknown species that actually represents an entire new family of wildlife, the Wildlife Conservation Society said.


Hey, no word of a lie. Good old Intelligent Design himself 'thunk' it up and there you have it a new Laosian delicacy.

Who would have guessed???

You go, Lou. Evangelical Lou Dobbs. I wonder if 'Intelligent' will mend the "Broken Borders" and give the Middle Class hope for a country they can live in.

No, way did I think I was Upper-Upper Middle Class.

That's like unreal.

SCIENCE requires proof. Intelligent Design has no proof but only criticism and fear tactics. Intelligent Design is designed for a set of politicians who reward 'faith based inititatives' financially. Intelligent Design is a theology and nothing more.