Monday, April 04, 2005

This is a visual satellite from CNN. These are the satellites I used to work from years ago. It is difficult to believe I was able to discern the detail I did back then compared to the level of detail exhibited by the Water Vapor Satellite of UNISYS. At any rate it is less detailed, however it is easy to see the Northeast Atlantic Votex and it's 'pull' of equatorial heat to the northern latitudes. The temperature oddly enough is very cold under that vortex because the 'arctic air' under it is more dense and "fall" to terra firma while the heat from the equator remains at the upper levels of the vortex settling over the colder air causing melting of the icefields and ultimately the North Polar Ocean. Stop and think about that. An entire ICE OCEAN is melting because of Human Induced Global Warming. AN ENTIRE ICE OCEAN. Polar Bears are losing their ecosystems because we can't find a way to live within ours. Posted by Hello