Friday, February 04, 2005

Six soldiers wounded in clashes

The Palestinian Authority is making 'wild' demands regarding the release of prisoners. Prime Minister Sharon just released some militants in good faith regardless of the crimes of these extremists. Ultimately, the goal of Mazen is to have Marwan Barghouthi, the Hamas member currently jailed in Israel released to eventually run Palestine. There is already a Hamas stronghold in the local elections, Barghouthi is the completion of their plans and the funding from the USA will be used for military escalation against Israel and not the civil purposes leading to improved quality of life for the Palestinian people.

The rhetoric of Marwan Barghouthi is full of hatred and victimization. Occupied Jerusalem - A Palestinian presidential hopeful on Wednesday accused Israel of "disrupting and interfering with" the upcoming Palestinian elections, slated for 9 January.Mustafa Barghouthi, a prominent independent candidate, said during a press conference in Ramallah that Israel was not allowing candidates freedom of movement within the West Bank and between the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

... Barghouthi also indirectly accused unnamed Arab countries of interfering in the Palestinian elections."There are certain sides that have already declared the winner even before the organization of the elections.

"Barghouthi pointed out that the international community as well as Israel were giving Fatah's official candidate Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) preferential treatment, which he said constituted a tacit interference in the election process."

He can travel both inside and outside Palestine unfettered, but I can't reach Gaza."Meanwhile, jailed Fatah leader Marwan Barghouthi has given more indications that he may change his mind regarding his candidacy for PA President.


Every time there has been a release of prisoners from Israel jails more deaths of Isrealis occur. It happens without fail. And now the wild demands of Mazen just takes the cake, as if the Palestinians in Israeli jails could never be guilty of the very crimes they are charged regardless of the fair hearings they have received.

Palestinians reject Israeli offer to release prisoners

The Palestinians on Thursday rejected an Israeli offer to release 900 prisoners as a gesture to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, calling the proposal "insulting." \\


It is not realistic to believe there is security enough in Palestine to reassure Israel they are safe from the violence of Hamas or any other extremist groups. If the Palestines cannot accept Israel's offer to release the prisoners offered then leave them all in jail and assume those recently released will be back where they belong, IN AN ISRAELI PRISON !!