In an episode where Homer takes on Ned's Power of Attorney they go to Las Vegas. Ned states during that episode: "Games of chance are strictly forbidden by Deuteronomy 7" during the roulette wheel scene, he should have known that Deuteronomy 7 has no references to gambling or "games of chance"."
Just as Ned Flanders represents 'rules' of RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE so does the subject of Gay Marriage realize the same thing. Religion does not set the rules of Civil Law but is allowed to exist in the face of it. The problem with the current regime in DC is they answer first to their Religious Bias before respecting Civil Law.
Bush can say of Putin, "He doesn't respect 'The Rule of Law'; but yet Bush doesn't respect the law at all deferring to bias that favors his politics while disrespecting the entire Gay Community.
The Simpsons producers have taken 'the authority' of discrimination away from those that discriminate and placed is where it belongs in the authority of Civil Law recognizing 'the sameness' of human experience for all of us.