Somalia Village devastated by Indian Ocean Tsunami

The Daily (Sri Lanka)
Counselling for tsunami victims
The Centre for National Operations (CNO) has initiated a psychosocial intervention program for trauma management of the tsunami victims.
A helping hand when needed most
Tharisi, a 14-month-old girl receives a biscuit from Italian nurse Guiliano Rondini after she and her mother Somalatha received treatment in a field hospital in Galle, set up by the Italian Pisa Hospital to help tsunami survivors.
Pakistan eager to reconstruct township
The Government of Pakistan has decided to reconstruct a whole township or a village in Sri Lanka destroyed by the recent tsunami, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan Makhdum Khusro Bakhtyar said. He met Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Pro; W.A. Wiswa Warnapala at the Foreign Ministry on Tuesday.
Floods dampen reconstruction activities
by Rajmi Manatunga
The flood situation in the Eastern province has obstructed reconstruction activities on the road network damaged by the tsunami waves thus hampering the transport of relief material to the area.
200,000 doses of cholera vaccine from Sweden
STOCKHOLM, (AFP) - Sweden said Monday that it was rushing its stockpile of 200,000 doses of vaccine to prevent cholera to India and Sri Lanka amid fears of an outbreak of disease among survivors of the devastating tidal waves.
The Gulf News
Stains of Guantanamo are there for all to see
By George S. Hishmeh, Special to Gulf News
A can of worms was opened, probably coincidentally, soon after five Washington-based journalists reporting for the Arab media visited a military detention centre at the American naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, early last month.
… These two shameful developments have immeasurably hurt American image in the Muslim and Arab world, probably beyond immediate repair. The base in Cuba, for long a sleepy refuelling naval station, acquired a high-tech military detention centre soon after the Afghan War, which was precipitated by the horrendous September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington DC.
The New York Times
THIS IS THE TYPE OF THING Richard Cheney desperately longed to avoid as he doesn't make that much as Veep. That's why there is Iraq.
10 Ex-Directors From WorldCom to Pay Millions
Ten former directors of WorldCom, the telecommunications company whose bankruptcy was the largest in history, have agreed to pay $18 million of their own money to settle a class-action lawsuit by investors who lost hundreds of millions of dollars when the company collapsed in July 2002.
Good. Good-bye. Carlton, oh wait, Carlson is an abusive commentator. I never appreciated his style. It took commentary from controversial to SALESMANSHIP. Who needs it !
CNN Will Cancel 'Crossfire' and Cut Ties to Commentator
NN has ended its relationship with the conservative commentator Tucker Carlson and will shortly cancel its long-running daily political discussion program, "Crossfire," the new president of CNN, Jonathan Klein, said last night.
No more money to play with Georgie. There is every indication that your evangelicals are multiplying like bunnies and we'll all be just fine.
G.O.P. Divided as Bush Views Social Security
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 - As he begins deciding on details of his plan to add personal investment accounts to Social Security, President Bush is confronting a deep split within his own party over how to proceed.
The Arab News
No Quick End to Squatting During Haj: Abdul Majeed
JEDDAH, 6 January 2005 — Makkah Governor Prince Abdul Majeed admitted that local authorities have been unsuccessful in their attempts to find a solution to the problem of squatting during the Haj season.
GOOD. SAUDIS need the jobs. No one else.
Move to Saudize Ten More Job Categories
Javid Hassan, Arab News
RIYADH, 6 January 2005 — Minister of Labor Dr. Ghazi Al-Gosaibi has said that his ministry is exploring the possibility of reserving ten more categories of jobs for Saudis as part of the Kingdom’s Saudization drive.
Tsunami Victims Need More Than Just Sympathy
Abeer Mishkhas, abeermishkhas@arabnews.com
Shocked at the images and news coming about the tsunami calamity, I could not keep up with the rising toll in dead and homeless.
The Cheney Observer
Gov. Bush says he's not running in '08
Knight Ridder Newspapers
WASHINGTON - Ever since his brother was elected president, Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida has shunned the national stage.
Woodside Petroleum takes on U.S. partner
Firm aims to compete in Gulf of Mexico
SYDNEY Woodside Petroleum, Australia's second-largest oil and gas company, has formed an alliance with the closely held Explore Enterprises of Louisiana in a bid to strengthen exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico, the company said Wednesday
Marathon and Marathon Ashland Petroleum to Contribute Up to $1 Million to Tsunami Relief Effort
Wednesday January 5, 3:16 pm ET
HOUSTON, Jan. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Marathon Oil Corporation (NYSE: MRO - News) and its subsidiary Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC (MAP) announced today that the companies will contribute up to $1 million in support of countries devastated by the tsunamis in the Indian Ocean.
KBR approved to use estimating system, Halliburton says
Associated Press
HOUSTON - An estimating system that Halliburton subsidiary KBR uses to figure costs for support of U.S. troops in Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan has won approval from the Pentagon's contract-management agency, Halliburton said Wednesday.
Halliburton Completes the Sale of Subsea 7
Distribution Source : PRNewswire
Date : Wednesday - January 05, 2005
HOUSTON, Jan. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Halliburton announced today the completion of the previously announced sale of its 50% interest in Subsea 7, Inc. to its joint venture partner, Siem Offshore, for $200 million in cash. As a result of the transaction, Halliburton will record a pre-tax gain of approximately $115 million during the first quarter of 2005.
Halliburton, founded in 1919, is one of the world's largest providers of products and services to the petroleum and energy industries. The company serves its customers with a broad range of products and services through its Energy Services and Engineering and Construction Groups. The company's World Wide Web site can be accessed at http://www.halliburton.com/ .
Asbestos settlement grows
Halliburton stock surge adds to claimants' pool
Associated Press
Thousands of asbestos and silica claimants slated to receive billions of dollars in cash and stock from Halliburton Co. this year stand to reap the benefit of shares that have surged nearly 60 percent since several subsidiaries filed for bankruptcy protection as part of the deal more than a year ago.
Gonzales faces sharp US Senate scrutiny on 'torture' memos
By Edward Alden
Published: January 5 2005 08:01 Last updated: January 5 2005 20:39
Alberto Gonzales, the White House nominee for attorney-general, will face harsh questioning on Thursday before the Senate judiciary committee on whether he was the architect of policies that led to the abuse of detainees held by the US.
Saudi cuts 500,000bpd oil
5 January 2005
NEW DELHI - Saudi Arabia has enforced its pledge to cut 500,000 barrels a day of oil supply and is now producing around nine million barrels per day, Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al Naimi said yesterday. “We took off the 500, we’re around nine,” Naimi told Reuters in an interview on arrival for a meeting with Asian oil consumers in New Delhi.
Opec oil producers last month agreed to cut one million barrels per day of excess supply from January 1.
First Oil Taken From Freighter Off Alaska
Associated Press
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Salvagers have begun removing oil from tanks on a freighter that broke apart last month off Alaska, spilling most of the vessel's estimated 442,000 gallons of fuel into the Bering Sea and onto shore.
Centre asks Maharashtra to nominate member for Dabhol committee
Posted online: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 at 0000 hours IST
MUMBAI, JAN 4: The Centre has asked Maharashtra government to nominate its representative on a committee set up to settle non debt claim of around $200 million in the now closed Dabhol project.
A 2d chance to do it right
By Brian McGrory, Globe Columnist January 4, 2005
Everything that state Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly has done on behalf of Massachusetts residents in regard to the Big Dig can be summed up in precisely two words: Not enough.
The Washington Post
Mining Town Rises in Anger
After Boy Is Killed by Boulder, Va. Residents Cite Disregard for Safety
By Carol Morello
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 6, 2005; Page B01
It hurled like a cannonball into Dennis and Cindy Davidson's house, right through the wall of the bedroom and onto the bed where 3-year-old Jeremy was sleeping.
Terror Suspect Alleges Torture
Detainee Says U.S. Sent Him to Egypt Before Guantanamo
By Dana Priest and Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, January 6, 2005; Page A01
U.S. authorities in late 2001 forcibly transferred an Australian citizen to Egypt, where, he alleges, he was tortured for six months before being flown to the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to court papers made public yesterday in a petition seeking to halt U.S. plans to return him to Egypt.
General Says Army Reserve Is Becoming a 'Broken' Force
By Bradley Graham
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 6, 2005; Page A01
The head of the Army Reserve has sent a sharply worded memo to other military leaders expressing "deepening concern" about the continued readiness of his troops, who have been used heavily in Iraq and Afghanistan, and warning that his branch of 200,000 soldiers "is rapidly degenerating into a 'broken' force."
The Bangkok Post
Naval base, warships hit hard
Damage tops B600m, four officers missing
Phuket _ Four warships, including a frigate, and the Phangnga Naval Base were hit hard by the tidal waves on Dec 26, with damage estimated at more than 600 million baht.
After keeping silent about the fate of the base since the tidal waves struck the province, navy commander-in-chief Adm Samphop Amrapal admitted for the first time yesterday the extent of the damage.
People of different faiths join to mourn dead
Thousands of people lit candles and monks chanted for the dead at dusk yesterday as Christians, Muslims and Buddhists together mourned tsunami victims on the island of Phuket.
Vendors are back at work, but it's far from business as usual
For years, Phuket has had the reputation as being one of the most expensive places in the entire country, with goods and services catering to wealthy foreign tourists and priced accordingly.