The Neocons, or Neo-Conservatives, is a poltical designation of the Repug(b)lican Party of the United States of America. In the recent year, 2004, it has come to represent a majority of that party in elected officials. The Neocons are repugnant people.
The leadership in the White House are all Neocons. They practice Christian Humanism ( but are not Chrisitans ( ).
Neocons share a strong identity with the Ku Klux Klan ( also known as the KKK. Neocons are White Supremists and Segregationists as demonstrated by George Walker Bush's affiliation with Bob Jones University (, where is appeared with his spouse, his Vice Presidential Candidate, Dick Cheney and Cheney's spouse.
The writings of Bob Jones University significantly indicate hatred and bias to Neocons ( In the case of the candidacy of George Walker Bush there is significant manipulation of images to achieve the goal to President of the USA ( as engineered by Karl (Marx) Rove through a concept called "Jesus-baiting." After taking office Reverend Bob Jones wrote a letter to George Walker Bush and in it is stated:
..."God has graciously granted America -- though she doesn't deserve it -- a reprieve from the agenda of paganism. Put your agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You owe the liberals nothing. They despise you because they despise your Christ." (
To further validate the racism affiliated with Neocons one needs only to reflect on Bush's choices of minority such as Colin Powell and then to realize he was never respected by the power brokers of Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush.
Neocons such as Gale Norton ( have no regard for the natural world except what can be exploited for wealth. She has opened the doors of The Interior Department to business interests with little regard for legislative documents protecting our heritage suchas The Endangered Species Act, The Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Her record of destruction is significant (
The other aspect of any self respecting Neocon is the manipulative hatred of Israel. Bush has an agenda for Israel that includes taking apart some of the finest Jewish Charities this country has to offer. It isn't as though the Ashcroft State Department came with specific warrants so much as fact finding warrants to 'find' something wrong rather than 'proving' something wrong.
Over a period of time Bush's Anti-semitism has taken shape.
First he denied Israel loan guarantees granted and agreed to years ago, however, the administration suggests $20 million in aid will help Palestinian reformers. Supposedly Israel is to forgive the matter of loan guarantees because a portion of the $20 million will be paid to Israel by Palestine for services over the years. That is still penalizing Israel when the loan guarantees were a separate issue to the payment of Palestinian debt.
Administration suggests $20 million in aid will help Palestinian reformers
By Matthew E. Berger
WASHINGTON Nov. 23 (JTA) — The Bush administration is lobbying Congress to approve a plan to give $20 million to the Palestinian Authority ahead of Palestinian presidential elections — or at least, not to oppose the aid. [...]
Bush Gives $20 Mln to Palestinians for Israeli Bills
Wed Dec 8, 2004 02:59 PM ET
By Adam Entous
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush on Wednesday approved $20 million in direct aid to the Palestinian Authority to help pay its Israeli utility bills after key lawmakers objected to plans to use the money for presidential elections in January and to pay Palestinian salaries.
Mounting Scandal at Aipac Prompts Talk of Lobbying Powerhouse's Demise
Officials Called By Grand Jury
By Ori Nir
December 10, 2004
WASHINGTON — With senior officials at America's top pro-Israel organization facing the specter of federal indictments, staffers at other groups are beginning to waver in their support and are warning that the mounting legal scandal could damage the political credibility of the entire Jewish community.
The doubts were prompted by last week's FBI raid of the offices of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and by news that four of its top officials had been subpoenaed by a federal grand jury. In particular, the doubters said, the decision of a federal prosecutor to turn to a grand jury on a matter involving Aipac was ominous and severely undermined the organization's claim that it was the victim of a few rogue investigators.
..."This is not a fishing expedition," he said. "It's clear to me they have some specific information which is leading them in a specific direction."