Everyone likes to think of wealth as a benefit to all people. It isn't. The world economy is systematically being destroyed by Vladimir Putin.
The United Nations is the only forum that matters these days. All those that will fly their private jets to Davos for a meeting to decide how the wealthy can help the poor or whatever it is they decide at these gatherings have no answer to the atrocity beset the world not quite a year ago.
I guess these folks haven't noticed that Ukraine grain shipments are vital to the world. In 2021 Ukraine's GDP was $200.1 billion. That has been basically wiped away by a genocide invasion by Putin.
Vladimir Putin is capable of killing without thought or regard to any idea of a global economy. If he will do this to a neutral country like Ukraine what does anyone think his plans are for all of us?
This invasion into Ukraine is a wake up call for all those that believed mutual economic ties would solve all problems and bring about peace. It won't and Ukraine is proof. It is time to stop looking to solve problems with huge economic dependence and realize the best way of this tangled mess is for people to find the way forward.