What does the preference for liars say about the electorate's ability to discern the truth and truth tellers? Why do voters prefer to be lied to rather than standing within a paradigm of the truth? Are candidates mired in the truth facing designer speeches taylored to the emotional preference of the voters. This is crazy, the basis of the USA Constitution is always the truth as demanded by the trial process. Why is the truth so mistrusted? People can't "get there" in their understanding of life? Undereducated? Is the lack of education and reading to current events too much of a drudgery?
The Working Poor may be burdened with the acceptance of liars because they receive their information about life on the run and fractured. It has to be addressed and in a way that is nonthreatening. Voters need empowerment to move forward with the truth.
I remember Bill Clinton was praised for explaining the events of the times. I think voters need to be given the truth through explanation and fact in a way that is empowering and not ridiculing. Ridiculing is a strong motivator these days and should be seen for what it is, a distraction from a person's strength of character. Ridiculing is a method that should itself be ridiculed.
It think there is a lot wrong in the motivations of voters.
May 27, 2022By Richard Wolfe
We are smack in the age of the normalization of lying. (click here)
Not of lies. Of lying.
Lying as a strategy, lying as an ethos. Lying because lying as a modus operandi can reap benefits, even if tainted. Benefits ranging from monetary gain to sexual gratification to power and influence.
Everyone tells lies but only some people are liars. The distinction is important.
The comedian Jon Lovitz used to have a schtick on "Saturday Night Live" wherein he played Tommy Flanagan aka The Pathological Liar. He’d tell an initial lie and then try to authenticate it by telling subsequent lies, each more absurd than the last. After each lie came out, he’d say out loud what his inner mind was thinking, e.g., “yeah, yeah. That’s it. That’s right.”....
This RETREAT from the truth is more toxic and is has become a standard method of maintaining support for Republicans. The Republicans have surrendered to lying. Given their ability to obstruct this is a dangerous paradigm that needs to be addressed. McConnell has been a liar for a long time, but, it also faciliated Trump even during his years in office.
Lying facilitated the problem with the global pandemic we face now in it's second year. There is a lot wrong.
...Enter California Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy, a liar also but a dismally inept one. The kingdom of Flanagandom is denied him because he, McCarthy, often begins by telling the truth. He regains his feet, however, when the perils of his truth saying are realized and he then lies about what he’d said. And then he floats another lie. Repeat ad nauseum.
Impurity of process notwithstanding, Tommy would still beam with admiration....