Saturday, March 19, 2022

I don't think Vladimir Putin is insane as one of his oligarchs phrased it, he is simply a murderer.

I do not believe Vladimir Putin will talk at all unless it is Ukraine surrending. President Zelensky should not believe that diplomacy has failed, it is that Putin doesn't care about the killing. He has no feelings for killing. To him the end justifies the means. That is why the World Court found him guilty of genocide, because, he is. I do not believe there is a rational way to deal with someone like that. It is going to be interesting to watch the world deal with Putin's Russia in the face of such a ruling. 

Vladimir Putin is a killer. I doubt he is going to be willing to talk at any time.

March 19, 2022
By Steven Erlanger

Brussels - President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine (click here) called publicly on Saturday for direct negotiations with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, but a senior Turkish official said that Mr. Putin was not ready for such talks.

“Zelensky is ready to meet, but Putin thinks that the positions to have this meeting at the leaders’ level are not close enough yet,” Ibrahim Kalin, a chief adviser and spokesman for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, said in an interview....

I also believe the attack on the Marine sleep quarters in Mariupol is due to intelligence gathering. Ukrainian soldiers and people are better off sleeping under the stars than inside of shelter given the intentional destruction of a theater where children were considered safe.

Russia has intelligence about Mariupol. It is a piece of land that Putin wants. It has been in the news in recent years as a focus of the Russians that took Crimea. So, they have been looking at it for some time. It is probably wise to empty the city of citizens. 

No doubt the attack on the children in the theater was justified by Putin as a PRETEND place for children and that was where the Ukrainian military was hiding. So, it is questionable how recent the intelligence was gathered and not an indication that Putin has recent information. When running a campaign of death there is no reason for current circumstances of the people.

I honestly don't know when it will stop for Ukraine. If there were reasonable reactions and the Geneva Conventions were valued by Russia an end could be somewhat more predictable. But, with a killer at the top of the Kremlin that is safe with internal propaganda working for him to a certain degree, there is no clear understanding of when or IF this war will end.

This is his politics at work. Putin had the most perfect DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) in Ukraine under the leadership of President Zelensky. Ukraine wanted NO war and wanted an economic relationship with all countries in the region and abroad. These were young people excited about their country. Europe wasn't going to mess with it. NATO was satisifed without Ukraine as a member. There was no reason to see Ukraine in any way, except, as a peaceful land mass where the citizens were happy. There is no rational reason for this invasion. None. Putin decided to turn the troops involved in war games on the population of Ukraine and he expected it to be a cake walk. There isn't much intelligence in that assessment. 

From every stand point that I personally look to for hope or limitations of this war, there is no clear "end game." He is just killing people for what outcome is anyone's guess. 

Is he enticing The West to become involved? I don't know. Using his state of the art weaponry on innocent people could bring about concern for the people by The West, but, war with Russia on the land that belongs to Ukraine? I don't see that happening.